We have now reached the halfway point for the first trimester. So, it's time to look back and see where we are and where we want to go next.
For this assignment, I want you to assess yourself as a science student. Please write about:
1. Where are you strong/what do you do well?
2. Where could you improve?
3. What will you specifically try to improve over the next 6 weeks?
I look forward to reading your reflections.
Sorry Mr. Ardito- I accidentally posted my comment in Period 5's instead of 6. Here it is in the CORRECT area:
Personally, I think that I do a good job on getting to class on time, prepared and ready to go. I do think I need to work on organizing my time better. I've tended to leave things to the last minute in class, and I need to work on that! I also think I need to work on better note-taking. My notes right now are very scattered and confusing- even to me! I really want to either re-write my notes, or think of a more organized way to write them for the rest of the year.
Blog Reflection Assignment
I think that I have been strong with getting my work/homework done and I also feel strong with the quality of my work. I feel that I maybe could improve my participation in class though. I will specifically try to have better participation and I will try to keep the quality of my work the same.
Half Trimester Summary
Over the course of the year, I think my work ethic is good and I turn in all of my homework’s on time. I also think the quality of most of my work is good to. One thing that I think that I need to work on is the quality of my blog assignments. I always feel that I need to ad a little bit more onto every entry.
Over the next six weeks I specifically need to work on my participation in class. I think I need to raise my hand more during your lessons.
Over all I think i'm doing pretty well this year so far. There is always room for improvement but over all i think i'm doing okay
Mr. Ardito, this year i have made a drastic change. last year was was disorginized and rarely handed in homeworks, but this year I am keeping up with homeworks and I am studying. I am on time every day. What I could improve is my talking in class. Even though I am getting my work done and paying attention, I talk way too much. I am going to try to improve this. I think the thing I will especially try to improve over the next six weeks will be class room behavior. This will not be easy for me because i'm natrually very outgoing, but I can always try.
I think my class work and homework are done very well. I spend an appropriate amount of time on each homework and class work assignments and they are normally done with good quality. These are my stronger points. I think I could spend a little more time on my blog assignments. I always find myself not knowing what to say, and having to add more to make it a decent size. I could put a little more effort into my blog work also. Over the next six weeks I will specifically try to improve the quality of my blog work.
I think the amount of participation I show in class is good, and my interest in what we are learning is big.
I could definitly work on the ability to back up statements with examples. I can also work on stretching my information.
Over the next 6 weeks, I will work on the quality and time I put into my work.
In science I do well at handing homeworks and blog assignments in on time. In science I need to improve on staying on task, and making my blog assignments meatier. I always feel like I should have added something to my opinions, although at that moment I can't think of anything. I just need to spend more time on my blog work. In the next six weeks, and hopefully for the rest of the year, that is what I want to work on. (Starting with this one!)
As a science student, I think I have improved a lot. I have done every blog/homework assignment so far this year. I have been procrastinating less and less from last year. I think one of my strengths is coming to class on time and always prepared with the homework/blog assignments already done, and have all the necessary supplies.
I think I could improve on my class time work efficiency. I often find myself distracted or near the end of the period and not as much work done as I would have liked. But again, I think the academic use of my class time has increased drastically. I also feel I should put a little more effort into the blog assignments. I always feel like I have not written enough, but I feel the quality of my work is more important than the length.
I will specifically try to improve on the quality and effort I put into homework/projects, such as the body systems project. I will really try to make this project a learning experience and put in as much effort as it deserves.
So far this year I have done well with homework and class work. I have not missed a single assignment yet. I have handed everything in on time. I have learned a lot and improved in biology. I think I am strong at writing, I do pretty well on those assignments. I do well working with others, I think I have always gotten along pretty well with other people.
I think I could improve a lot in my note taking. I always forget to write something down while Mr.Ardito is writing it and by the time I remember he has already erased it. I think I could improve on my organization, all of my papers are scattered and I don’t know where half of them are. I think I could also improve on the neatness of my work, hand writing included.
Over the next six weeks I would like to work on getting the most out of everything that I can. I want to make myself organized and get better at taking notes
I think science is one of my strongest areas, because I find it very interesting. Because of this, I try my hardest to pay attention during class. Thus, one of my strongest points is productivity because I am good at staying forcused with the right people. For some reason I am always late to this class, so I should definitly work on that. Also, sometimes my notes are messy. For the next six weeks I will work on making my notes neater and getting to class on time.
I feel like I am good in class discussions, and I can understand things in a snap. Unfortunately, I also am not the best at taking notes, and I am also not the most patient student. (WHERE is that hedgehog!?)
Over the next six-weeks I will try to write better notes, and try to be more patient.
The Marking Period So Far
The marking period has been okay so far. I think that my strengths in science class have been, doing homework, being prepared, and taking notes. I think that I could improve by participating more in class, focusing on what I need to accomplish, and doing class work at an efficient pace. Over the next few weeks I will try to get our body systems project finished at an efficient pace. When doing class work, I usually spend way too much time, trying to make everything perfect. With this project, I will try to make quality work, faster.
Something I do well in science is the homework that is assigned. I also try to take neat notes so I can have them to study hard for tests that come up. I think that I have pretty organized notes, and keeping most of the papers that we get in class. I also try to work well in groups like when we work on packets with partners.
Sometimes it seems that I’m late for class and I don’t even know it until I see that everyone is already in class. I think that I can do a better job on coming on time. Also, I feel that genetics is a science topic that I need more improvement in. I also think that when we have large class discussions, I don’t participate in the conversation as much as I should, so I definitely think I need to work on that.
Like I said in the second paragraph, I would really like to specifically improve for the next 6 weeks on learning important information that I don’t really understand. It is important to ask questions when you don’t understand something, and that is something that I am going to have to do in the future, about topics that I don’t understand much. I should pay close attention in class when we are learning about a topic that I don‘t really understand as much.
1. Where are you strong/what do you do well?
I am typically good at doing homework for every teacher, 7 days a week. I also work very productively with a good partner.
2. Where could you improve?
I need to be more organized with my notebook and projects. I have left projects to the last minute and it is not a good idea.
3. What will you specifically try to improve over the next 6 weeks?
I will definitely clean out my binder and also use my planner more to mark specific days to finish certain parts of a project.
I think that I have been strong at doing my home work, getting it in on time and it has been somewhat good and being prepared. The thing that I think I would need to improve on is to focus more. And I will definitely work on being more focused.
I think that I am doing well in science. I’m good about being prepared, and participating in class. I almost always meet the standards of what is asked of me.
Still, I think I could do better. Instead of just doing exactly what I’m told, I’m going to start pushing myself to do more than that. I am also going to try to be neater in my notebook so that when I have a test I don’t have to go on an expedition for the right notes.
I really enjoy science I think it can be boring but it can also be fun. One of my strong suits in science would be productivity I try to stay on task a lot in projects. I think that I can get into more depth in certain blog article's. I will really try to improve my notes and the quality of certain things
I think I participate in class well and finish and hand in most to all assignments on time. I think that I do my work well and try to make it better if I can. I think I could improve on my work for the blog, sometimes it feels to me that I rush it and it isn’t what it could be. I’ll try to slow down and make better what I hand in on the blog
1) I think something I do well in is in group projects. I do well on lots of hands on things. I do my homework, and hand things on time.
2) I think that I could improve doing better on test and things. I sometimes have hard time studying and than trying to remember it to help with the test.
3)Participate in class more, like raise my hand more often. Also do better on test.
I think that I'm doing a great job at getting to class on time. This is a non-issue for me even though I'm going from one side of the school to the other. However, as evidenced... I tend to get blog assignments in at the very last minute. This is probably because I tend to forget about long term things and focus on the short term projects. I think that I need to make a dedicated "Time Block" that is allocated to the progress of long term projects.
Another thing that I need to work on is the neatness of my notes. While I might understand them well, others disagree. In the coming weeks I plan to neaten everything up so it is marginally presentable.
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