We have now reached the halfway point for the first trimester. So, it's time to look back and see where we are and where we want to go next.
For this assignment, I want you to assess yourself as a science student. Please write about:
1. Where are you strong/what do you do well?
2. Where could you improve?
3. What will you specifically try to improve over the next 6 weeks?
I look forward to reading your reflections.
I am strong in...
I am almost always on time
I almost always understand the assignments
Turning in homework
I usually take good notes
I could improve in...
Studying for tests
I will improve specifically over the next six weeks in...
Paying close attention to any articles I read
I am strong in being on time, I do fairly well on work, I am a student that is considerate of others, and I am mostly quiet when others are speaking.
I could improve in analyzing directions and becoming more serious about my role as a scientist. I suppose I could be more tolerant of the people I'm with.
Over the next six weeks I will quiet down immediately if someone else is talking. No matter how much I am tempted to talk, I will not.
Diablo666, out.
I believe that I am strong at being on time, raising my hand and not calling out, getting my home work in on time, getting good scores on tests and participating.
I think that I should work on elongating my answers to questions asked on paper and getting my blog name right. (I really have trouble with that one!)
I would like to focus especially on getting my blog name right because I haven’t done to bad on any of the tests/packets/worksheets so far and if I get my name wrong when I send this I will get a zero and that will put a heck of a dent in my grade.
I do well because...
-I am always on time
-I am always prepared
-I am always organized
-I always hand in my assignments on time
I could improve certain things like...
-Talking less in class
-Paying more attention to whoever's speaking
-Participating more in class
What I would like to focus on improving in the next couple of weeks would be...
I think I talk more in class than participate in class, which would definetley be one thing I promise to work on. When someone else is talking I shouldn't be!
I do well in science and any spicals like art, music, guym, heath aand home and carries. I am not good at Spaish and i get some things in math and some things i dont get in math. i would like to work on spanish because I dont want to get bad grades/fail spanish this year like i did last year.
Where I am strong in science is in hands on activities, such as measuring different objects and I am looking forward to measuring how high my rocket goes when building it. I am looking forward to when we group up and make paper airplanes and see how far they go. One of the things I do well are making observations on the scientific things we do. I am also good at making complicated objects that make amazing things happen.
In science I can improve in the things that are not hands on because most of the things in life are not hands on. For example when you do a math equation you are not building or moving objects around, you are writing numbers on a paper and finding the answer to them. You are thinking of the answer and you have to do the math to find the answer. Answering scientific questions are not really hard but are a little hard.
During the next six weeks I will try to improve on my measuring skills as well as for my observation skills. Even though they are good, I would like them to get better. To get better at written work I will practice more every day. I will also work hard on scientific equations by studying them each day. If I get a low grade on a test I will go over it with the teacher and try and get extra credit.
As a scientist:
What are my skills?
....I answer questions either from packets or not from packets in full sentences, and I am very detailed when it comes to writing an idea.
....My notes are neat and organized and are useful for studying.
....My effort level is pretty high, and I always try to have a positive attitude in class.
What do I need to improve on?
....Being able to come in and be ready to work. Also some days I am almost the last one in the class, even though my class is right down the hallway. (Guess it is from all the heavy books I carry!)
....Being able to measure like a true scientist.
....Having a pencil always ready to write with every day.
What should I really focus on perfecting over the the next few weeks?
One thing I will specifically try to improve on through the next 6 weeks is being able to to measure anything. Although we already went over this subject, I am hoping I can work on this skill whether it means practicing it outside of school or not. By the time the next trimester arrives, I want to be able to measure just about everything!
I may be good at taking notes, but I lack measurement abilities (even though we've already gone of that), so I want to improve that over the next 6 weeks. I hope to acomplish this in and maybe out of school. My goal is to be able to measure just about everything
I am a great thinker in science. I always want to take things to the next level, to make experiments bigger.
Some things I can improve on is doing hypothesis, observations, and inferences in the experiment. What I mean is that I need to put more effort into those small starters to an experiment.
My goal is to make hypothesis, observations, and inferences more fun or exciting so I will do well in science.
i am strong in taking notes and
listening to my teachers
i could improve in measermant and
in the next six weeks i will do everything
that is good for me
I feel like I am very good at working in a group especially when the work is hand-on. I also feel like I can return all work on time.
I would say that my weakness is that I dislike lectures and I find written work boring.
To improve my skills in science I will pay attention in lectures and do all the written work with out complaining.
Input out!
Who am I as a learner?
I am interested in hands on activities and working with others. I like to work with legos and paint. I follow plans and like to make my own lego creations. I like to work with 3 kids in a group and I like to be with friends because I feel more comfortable with friends. We like to plan together, who will do what and when to do it by. I usually do the most artistic work.
I like it when the teachers use brain pop because they have movies that give a lot of description.
What am I good at?
I am good at helping others with their work and being friendly. When the other kids ask me what to do, I try to tell them what they are supposed to do. I am really good at listening to the teachers and doing the activities they tell us to do. I like to get a head start in school for H.W. Then when I get home I can get my H.W over with. I guess that means I use my time well in school.
What do I need help with?
I need a little help in H.W because I don’t pay much attention to it all the time. I need to write the assignments down a lot more completely. That is what I really need help in.
What interests do I have?
I am interested in the brain pop movies they give. They give a lot of description and tell you a lot of details. I am also interested in legos because it is a hands on project. I like to read Goosebumps and the Farside stories because scary and random books catch my attention.
1. This year in science I think I have been a good student so far. One thing I think I do well on is listening to other people; another is my observation and inferences skills. I also turn in my homework everyday and come in on time.
2. I think that I could work a little more on studying and taking better notes cause the notes I take are a little to simple.
3. Over the next 6 weeks I want to work a little more on my note taking skills. By doing that I think some specific things I could do are take longer notes, Look over them a little more, and make sure the'er on topic!
I’m strong in memorizing science vocabulary words for test like inferences, prediction, and also I am strong in understanding the direction and the procedure in an experiment. Also I am mainly in time to class and prepared. Last of all my notes are neat and organized.
I could improve on analyzing question in some of the packets and also, being more careful with the science equipment.
I will try and work on analyzing question more detailed and more accurate and also try to participate a lot daily. Also staying more focused while Mr. Ardito is giving a lesson. And study for up coming tests.
The strength and Weaknesses of Yolonda Figgle
Comes on time
Takes lots of notes
Home work on time
Pays attention
That I could improve
Focus on teacher
Not to be distracted by others around me
What my goals are in the next 6 weeks
Talking when neccerry
and not be easily distracted
My strong points are...
-making things go BOOM!!! (I do that a lot)
I think I could improve in...
-talking less
-coming on time
-and getting my blog name right (i don't know if it's Mr. Asianboy, or Mr.Asianboy)
I will try to mostly improve...
-coming on time
-talking less
-not being distracted by others
In the next six weeks
I think that I am very strong when it comes to following the directions, getting in on time, turning in my homework, being prepared and listening to others.
I want to improve on studying, because I don’t study as much as I really should.
I think over the next six weeks I will really work on organization. I would also want to work on being a bit more descriptive with my answers.
Im good at
-taking notes in class
-coming to class prepared
I could improve
-talking less
-coming to class on time
-studying more
In the next 6 weeks i will improve
-coming to class erly
-not being distracted by class mates
-talking less
Im good at
-taking notes
-being prepared
-not talking and paying attention
-exploding/destroying things...
-coming on time
I could improve
-study habbits
-my work quality
-my ability to focus in class
In the next 6 weeks i will improve
-my work quality
-study habbits
-work quality
I think I’m doing strong in copying down things and staying on task somewhat.
I need to improve in not talking and listening and getting right on task.
I’m going to try and not talk as much and listen better.
I am strong in working together, being prepared, and desstroing things(a lot of thing i do without thinking.) Also coming early.
The things i think i could improve with is studing, focusing in class, be more nice, the quality of my work, and taking notes in class.
In the next 6 weeks i will improve in taking notes, being less disrespectful to Mr. Ardito, paying attention, and having fun in science!
Blog post: Reflection
1) I think that I am very strong when I do hands on projects and activities. I am also strong in many other science related stuff because I like doing different science experiments.
2) I feel that I could improve on taking notes and paying attention.
3) I am going to work on getting to class on time prepared and ready to go.
The things I good at
- I think I am good at always being prepared and on time
- I am good at contributing in class conversations
- I am good at multiple chose questions
The things I am not so good at
- I am not so good at long answers
- I am not so good at taking detailed notes
- I am not so good at writing response to packet or articles
What I want to improve on in the next six weeks
- not talk as much when a teacher is talking
- taking better notes
- always being focused and have a pencil in may hands at all times
I am interested in dance. I have been taking dance lessons since I was two years old. I have been learning more and more about how my body reacts to different postures and stretches. The stretching helps me be more flexible and makes you do more stuff. I have learned to work on my core which helps me keep my posture and not fall out of my spins. When I work on my core I have to strengthen my abs and my legs. Sometimes my muscles hurt but it is worth the pain because I know I will be a better dancer. I have to learn different dance steps and routines. So far I have not had any problems with this because I practice the dance over and over again.
What I do during dance has taught me that I learn better when I can practice the things I learn over and over. I also like to learn by moving around.
In the next few weeks I hope to spend more time reviewing new things taught in my classes so I can remember them better.
I do well in music. The teacher reviews the words over and over. She gives us lots of examples and many chances to study the words before the tests.
I could improve in English. I find it hard to put down in words what I am thinking about. I think that I need to start to brain storm ideas well before an essay is due. After I have written stuff down I need to take the time to edit and revise my work. These are two things I hope to improve in the next weeks. I also want to try to get my science assignments done on time. I will do this by asking for help from my teachers and trying to be more focused during the free lab periods and class.
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