We have now reached the halfway point for the first trimester. So, it's time to look back and see where we are and where we want to go next.
For this assignment, I want you to assess yourself as a science student. Please write about:
1. Where are you strong/what do you do well?
2. Where could you improve?
3. What will you specifically try to improve over the next 6 weeks?
I look forward to reading your reflections.
My weaknesses in science would have to be working on long-term projects alone. When this happens, I get stressed out because I’m always focused on how far everyone else is on the project, if their project is better, and then there’s the problem with the minimal amount of ideas that there are. Not everyone is like this, I know some people like to work alone, but I prefer to work in groups or partners. Another thing that I have trouble with is speaking in front of a big group.
Though I have weaknesses, I do have strengths. I’ve always been good about memorizing information, that’s not necessarily good all the time but for the most part, it’s good because you should always know the facts, and with science there’s a lot of facts. Another strength that I have is that I work well in groups (I not only like them but I also work well in them). I like how everyone has an equal amount of work to do but it all gets done in the end and you can share your ideas.
My improvements for this trimester are to work on my public speaking, and to try and span out working alone on projects. To do this I won’t think down on when I have to work alone on a project or when I have to speak in front of a big audience.
I would say one of my strengths is my organization. I always have the notes we need and the sheets. I also like to think I'm good about handing in homework and assignments on time. One of my strengths is working in groups, I like the sense of teamwork and the fact that everyone has a job, and you have people to help you if you get confused. I also always try my hardest.
I also have a few weaknesses:
I think sometimes I ask questions too quickly, instead of really trying to just stop and think about it myself. I think this is something that's really important; especially when you get to high school, work is more independent. Also, (like krazyj6), I prefer to work in groups and work better in them. When I work alone I get pretty stressed about what exactly I need to do, or feel like there's more work, because I'm doing it 100% by myself.
Specifically I will try going through all of my notes, or looking at sheets, instead of just asking someone, even though it's good to ask questions sometimes, just not all the time. I think I should just organize myself better when I'm working by myself, and split the work up as if I was in a group, but just do the different things on each day, and get each bit done day by day.
One of my strengths is preparing for tests. I think that I have a good process for studying and know when I've done too much studying, so that my brain doesn't get an overload of information.
I also think I'm pretty good at pulling my weight in group projects and love the feeling of accomplishing something together.
My weaknesses in science are remembering those words that are really scientific. I often find myself mixing up definitions, and most of the time, that's not a very good thing. Another weakness I have is working alone. I have this fear of it that I have to get over. When I work alone, I'm always worried about what everyone else is doing, and this makes it difficult to focus on my own work.
Over the next 6 weeks, I want to improve my ability to memorize information, and if there's a test again soon, I'd like to really work on flash cards to help solve this problem. I'd also like to be more independent on some projects. Even if I'm assigned to work with a partner or group, I'd like to really pull my weight and not work as much together as I have in the past. This will be hard for me because I'm just more of a group person.
Overall, I think that though I have some areas of improvement for the next 6 weeks, I'm going to be better off in the long run after I've improved.
I think that my strengths are organization and working in small groups or alone. I keep my notebook as organized as possible and I always write down homework and when tests are. I like working in small groups or alone because people usually end up leaving all of the work for one person when too many people are in one group, and it becomes very stressful for that one person to try and get a good grade for everyone. Also, if one person does all of the work and get a good grade, then the credit also goes to people that didn’t do anything. Working with small groups of two or three is okay, but sometimes you get distracted.
I think what I could work on is my studying habits. I don’t really like how I study for tests, even though I can remember a lot of things I don’t remember some important things because I just read my notes over and over. I would like to start maybe making flash cards or practice tests and see which way works best for me.
I would like to do better on the next few tests that we have over the next 6 weeks, so I will try and improve my studying habits now. I want to remember the most that I can for the next test.
I think that my stregnth is thinking of ideas on what to do for projects. i seem to always have a good idea of what im going to do beforehand, instead of in the middle of working on it.
I could improve on taking neat notes. i am not orgainized in the slightest, so its hard for me to keep track of every little thing.
I will try to improve on taking notes neatly, organizing everything, and fully concentrating on my work.
In science, I think that I am pretty good about homework and shorter-term projects. With long term projects, I tend to think about how much more work I need to do instead of how much I’ve already done, and I get more overwhelmed. I also work well in partners or small groups of people. When you are with a partner you have someone else to collaborate with and depend on, but you also have to do work yourself.
I think that my weak point would probably be when there are a lot of long-term projects, as well as some shorter-term projects all at once. When this happens, I get really stressed, and I might not do as good a job on the work as might usually. I’m also not great at talking in front of a large group of people.
For the rest of the trimester I will try to improve on handling long-term projects as well as short-term projects by pacing myself, and focusing on getting the work done. I will also try to work on my public speaking.
I think that I have a pretty good general idea on most of the stuff we’ve learned so far this year. At first I didn’t fully understand the body system, but now since we’re looking more deeply into I’m having a better understanding of it. I think that I am really better at long term projects than short ones because then it gives me more time to really plan out what I’m doing so that I can do a really good job on it. This doesn’t include homework though because I think that the amount of information and things that we have to do on the homework are a perfect amount.
Some things that I do need to work on more are my study habits for tests. Even though I get decent scores on my tests I would like to know the material more because I don’t really have good studying habits. I can study and know the material well, and even have all the notes, but I always end up studying the wrong thing, and doing well on that part but not as well on the other parts.
What I need to work on for the next 6 weeks is really just improving on my studying habits. I’m taking the notes and have the materials to study for them just find more time to study and really figure out what is on the test and organize those things before studying so that I have the right information down.
So far this year I see my self putting a lot of effort into my work and trying to extend my thoughts on certain subjects in science. I think this is one of the better things I do better at and being able to work on my own or pull my own weight while working in a group. One thing I believe I need to work on is prioritizing my work and organizing when to do work. In the next six weeks I would like to work on organizing work more and thinking more were my time is going and still give 100% of my effort.
I am good at paying attention in class and getting my work done.
I have a few kinks with certain things, but the aren't so bad.
Last year, I improved drastically on working with other people.
I am more of and independent person, and I'm a bit bossy and perfectionist.
I usually, am used to managing time properly, but I can't work that well and concentrate as much at classroom surrounds as when compared to my surroundings at home.
The thing that I really need to work on is organization and remembering things. Since I tend to work alone, I don't have anyone to tell me if I forgot to include something.
An example of my ignorance would be that,
1) I lost the requirements for the human body project.
2) Forgot to do one of them and include it.
3) I cheered myself up saying I'll include it in the end.
4) I still need to finish taking notes, I consoled myself by saying I'll do it at home.
5) I brought my social studies notebook home instead of my science, so now I have to type up my notes and then staple them to my science notebook.
6) And I'm pretty sure I'll mess something else up.
So for next six weeks I'm going to focus on organization, remembering things and writing things down and double checking stuff.
I am really strong with projects. When given a project I am good with time management and I make sure that the project gets done well and on time. If the project is something that has to be presented in front of the class I make sure that the presentation has all the information that needs to be in it, and I explain the information well and in a fun way. I make sure that it’s not boring. If it’s a PowerPoint I try to make it visually appealing with pictures and animations. When working on a project with a group I usually take the role of leader, but I’m not controlling. I just make sure that everybody does their job, and does it well. So projects are my strong point.
I’m easily distracted, so sometimes sitting down and studying for a test is hard. It’s sometimes hard for me to sit down in the same place for a long time and concentrate on one thing, and sometimes I’ll just stare at it for awhile and not remember anything. Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember things for tests. And then when I get the test I freak out because I don’t know things. So I really need to work harder on my study habits.
I’m definitely going to study harder and take better notes. Sometimes when I need to it’s hard for me to read my notes. And I want to try to get a better understanding of some things so that everything is easier for me to understand. I want to try to focus more and learn more.
1) I would say that I'm a good listener and note taker. I have to say that I understand all of my notes and I almost always remember hearing it in the lesson. I make sure that when I take notes they're pretty neat and understandable, so that when I go back to look at them or study them, they make sense.
2) I feel that I could improve on dragging out my thoughts. I might make it short and sweet so that I understand it, but if we were presenting others, it might not make sense to them. I want others to get the point that I'm trying to make.
3) For the next six weeks I would really like to work on having a more in depth understanding of what we learn. I want to know what we learn very well. I want to understand it fully and clearly.
Looking back on the year, I think I am doing well. One thing I am good at is contributing to the conversation at hand. Another thing I am good at is getting to work quickly. I don't think I am that great at staying focused on things that don't engage me, even though they are important. I think I will get better as the year goes on at staying focused. One thing I will wok on specificly is how much care I put into my notes. Somtimes I just throw things on the page, and when I look back on them, I don't know what I was trying to say! Hopefully I will keep doing well in class though.
I would have to say that my strength in science is working with a friend or in a group, and what I’m pretty good at is taking notes. When I work in a group I tend to keep focus and remind my group members to get to work if they start getting off track. I usually keep the hand outs or what we need for the group project, and am responsible about it. I take good notes when I need to because it was easy to prepare for the last test we had. My notes were organized and clear.
I think I could improve on being a morning person and taking my planner with me to every class because I usually end up writing my homework down at the end of the day and sometimes I forget. I’m not so good at being a morning person because I when I’m really tired I don’t pay attention very well
I think I’m specifically going to work on bringing my planner to every class and not just quickly jot the homework down at the end of the day
As a science student I fell that I am strong at doing independent work. I would probably rather work with a grope but I know I better off working alone. I need to improve in organizing my work and try to get better at staying on task with grope work. By the end of the next 6 weeks I will try to become better t choosing who I work with and staying on task. Also I will try to stay organized by keeping my locker more neat and organized
So far this year I feel that I am really strong with getting homework done and trying to get things done earlier than later. Based on the partner I’ve had for the past two projects, I’ve really had to keep my ground and stay ahead of the game. I feel organized and that I don’t have to worry about losing everything, since I’ve been attempting to stay organized this year. Being organized can give me the time to look at things deeper and get me to accelerate on certain topics. This will also allow me to look over notes more rather than just write them down. I think that participating more in class would prove to you and me that I’m getting the subject. It is like a self assessment. My effort is always higher when I really get something and my confidence is up. I also believe that I could be a little more thorough in research because this year I really don’t want to miss anything for homework or projects. In this next six weeks I will specifically participate a lot in class and be really thorough in anything that has my name on it.
So far this year I believe that I have done a good job on getting the homework done, taking notes in class ,and quality of work. It's been a little difficult working with some people but I think that it has really helped me keep everything on track. It has been hard trying to learn everything but I think after I look over again it really helps me understand it. I think I really need to improve on getting blog work in sooner because as this one shows I pull it pretty close. I think that I need to particapate in class more often because I feel like I never answer any questions unless I'm randomly called on. I think that may be due to a lack in confidence in my own work. I'm really going to try to get blog work done as soon as possible and particapating in class because I feel that that is a really weak spot.
Somethings that I think I'm strong at are making graphs, taking notes, and working with scratch. This year I think I have done a good job completing homework, taking notes and working with the blog. One thing I would like to work on is using class time correctly. I usually talk and goof off but even though it is fun it is harder to understand something when you missed the lesson because you were talking. I will specifically work on getting organized and using class time better
1. I’m so happy with myself because I can tell I’m taking better notes than last year and that helps me so much. Things are more organized and easy to find this time around. I’m also working on my handwriting so that the words are easier to read.
2. My weakness would have to be big projects. Whenever I get one, I start to look at everything as a whole and it just seems like so much. I try to think about just completing it one step at a time, but I keep worrying about “how much of my grade goes into this part?” or “Is this enough? Does it explain everything?”.
3. Although my notes may be more organized this year, I have to try and keep all my thoughts straight. I know it may sound silly, but for me it’s quite important. Science is not my forte. It never has been. Sometimes all my thoughts get so jumbled up and I end up getting extremely stressed out.
I think that this year of science is definitly chalenging and a lot is required of you to do well in this class. Its hard to manage everything and get everything in on time but its a good type of chalenge That will help us prepare for high school. I have had some problems getting all my work in on time but other than that I think I'm managing well and its a fun class. This class has also helped me learn certain skills like how to study well and how to take good notes which I'll apreciate a lot in high school. I think the glass is at a good level because it's chalenging enough so that you have to put effort into it and strive to do well but its not so hard that you can't do well even if you try hard.
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