For this week's report, I would like us to try something different.
This time, instead of finding an article to read, I would like you to listen to a podcast as your "article."
For this assignment, you should pick an episode from one of the following podcasts:
Lab Out LoudRadio LabNPR's Science FridayScience Made FunExtra credit will given to students who choose their podcasts from Radio Lab or Science Friday.
For a reminder, here's what to do for this assignment:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?
In addition to your usual report, I would also like you to talk about what it was like to listen to the "article" instead of reading it.
Have fun!