After exploring the Many Eyes site and playing with some of its visualizations, I thought it was time for you to make your own.
Your job for this week is this:
1) Go to the Many Eyes website: Many Eyes
2) Click on the link called "Data Sets."
3) Look at a bunch (between 6 and 10) of different kinds of data sets. As before, there is a search feature, so you can find a topic that interests you, like "sports" or "pets."
4) For the data sets you liked, create a visualization, save it, and post the link here. Then tell us about them on the blog. For each: a) put the link and b)say why you picked it and what you learned by visualizing it as you did.
This is due by Friday, April 30th.
Have fun!
Have fun!
My topic was about animals. Here's a link that interested me...
I picked this link because it was about what family of animals went officially extinct. I learned that the maculata family went extinct(actually I didn't know it was a family until now; that's what I really learned. There were alot of other really cool and crazy family names like dekarchiskos, Porzana, and a whole bunch of others!!! I thought that this assignment was really cool.
I did a chart of common fast food restaurants in Phoenix, Arizona. I found a chart of the common fast food places there and decided to do that. It is at http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/visualizations/fast-food-restaurants-in-phoenix-a
I did the word chart because I wanted to show how big each one was. I found this pretty interesting because I found some names of fast food restaurants that I never heard of before.
I did a visualization on how many iPod touches were sold a year, and more information about iPod touches. http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/visualizations/ipods-sold-and-the-kwh-2
I picked it because it was the most interesting of the data sets that I looked at. The information also made sense, and I didn't have to think much to get it, unlike another data set that I was almost going to do. I learned that you can't just choose any way to visualize something. For my data, you couldn't choose the word cloud, you had to choose something that made sense, like the bubble chart.
a.) http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/visualizations/top-150-counrty-music-words-in-2010
b.)My visualization was on the most popular country music words. I picked this because I thought it was interesting. I liked how it was a specific type of music. From this data I learned that the more popular words are artist's names. Then the second most important thing is were people find the music. For example the word "online" was one of the bigger words in the data.
What i learned from the baseball players averages was how good a player was. I am a fan of baseball so it is interesting to look at the diferent averages throughout the MLB.
I did a visualization on global population in 2009. http://arditoscience2009.blogspot.com/2010/04/dealing-with-data-part-3-period-5.html. When I first looked at population I saw the population of 2006, then when I found a more recent time it was interesting to compare the numbers and that is why I did this one. I also thought that it would be interesting just to see what the most populated countries were.
The data I visualized is called: Happiness Index 2008, and the link is posted below:
I visualized this information as a bar graph, however, there were many aspects of the happiness index. To determine if a country was "happy," overall, there were many criteria they had to meet. So, on the side of the bar graph, you can change which criteria is shown on the graph. For example, for the criteria of well rested, the Netherlands comes out ahead of all the other countries, and this factor contributes to the over all happiness of that country.
I really enjoyed this data, because it is very interesting to learn about the quality of life in other countries. I decided to visualize something about happiness, because everyone wants to be happy. This visualization helped me to see who really is happy.
My topic is about video games.
1.) I picked this topic because I happen to be a fan of video games.
2.) By formating the data the way I did, I learned what console/platform each video game ran on, and it is a really easy way to find the ranking of any video game although not all video games are on this graph.
B) I chose to make a visualization of top artists from 2000-2009. I thought this was very cool because I saw many artists that I didn’t think were that popular, and the artists that I thought were popular weren’t popular at all. For example, the top artists were Muse, Kings of Leon, and the Killers. I thought that Rihanna or someone else would be the most popular. Rihanna and Jack Johnson were one of many least popular artists. MGMT was another very popular artist from these 9 years. I liked this data set a lot because I learned a lot about something I really like. Some names I didn’t know of were “The Babyshambles, The Shins, and Bloc.”
1) I picked this because I've always been curious who the really successful artists are.
2) I chose this format because I found it visually intriguing and easy to follow.
This visualization is of one of the top artists. I was pleasantly surprised! I’ve always thought that the songs that are constantly on the radio are those of the most successful artists but I was wrong. My two favorite bands (which are muse and MGMT) are on the visualization and I had no clue that they were so popular. The artists that were on the visualization (or at least the majority of them) started from the very bottom and worked their way up to the top. It’s a great accomplishment for those bands to make it onto that list.
2)I picked this because it is cool to look at how much others countries are using cell phones. I am attached to my cell phone- I can't live without it. I wonder how that is with other countries.
I found that the two most commonly used words were day and today. I really wasn’t surprised at all by this information but it interested me. I really like seeing the facts all spread out in front of me, no estimations, no questions, just there. It really helps me understand what I want to know. I really liked this information because I’ve always wondered about commonly used words on websites like facebook and twitter. I think that this link is cool and I like the way it was organized too.
The second visualization I looked at was about the amount of television watched over the course of three years by men and woman. I found that every year the amount of hours a week people would watch tv went down for females. The second year it went way down for men, but then the third, it went right back up again. I don’t know why it worked out this way. I suppose it was just random. I did find this quite fascinating though, even if I could not comprehend it.
The third thing I found was the most popular religions in the world. The most common by far was Christianity. I was surprised to find that the third most popular was atheist. I was also surprised to find that Judaism was only about one one hundred fiftieth of the amount of people who followed the Christian religion. I had no idea of this difference. This was definitely my favorite. I found this one by far the most interesting although I enjoyed them all.
I looked at the amount of nuclear energy used by each state per million people shown in BTU's. http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/visualizations/new/treemap/nuclear-power-3/1
This was very interesting because I always thought New York would be the highest, as it turns out, it doesn't even touch the top 5. North Carolina is the actual leading nuclear power consumption per million people. I don't really know much about North Carolina, but that is still a very interesting fact to know. It's actually a bit of a relief because I thought New York was the highest and were doing the most damage but as it turns out, thats North Carolina.
I thought this set of data was very interesting. Medical marijuana is a controversial topic and it is illegal in most states. In the states where this is legal, doctors prescribe it to patients to ease the pain of the sickness they have (ie: cancer).
In the state of Montana, I learned that patients that take medical marijuana include doctors and caregivers. The data was not very clear, so I inferred that they grouped the people into 3 categories. I was shocked that caregivers and doctors take marijuana. How do they perform their jobs if they under the influence of marijuana.
I noticed some trends in the data set. Starting in 2005, the number of users was about even among the three groups. But as years pass, the number of people that take medical marijuana has increased. The group that increased the most was the medically qualified patients.
My topic was on the most iTunes played songs......
A) http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/visualizations/most-played-songs-on-itunes-2
B) I picked this because I thought that it was interesting, I learned that most of the songs that were in the data set were not what I thought they would be they are older songs not newer and that is what surprised me. But I realized that this would probably not be only in the US it might be all over the world and everyone doesn't like the same music.
My topic is sports. the link is NCAA Champions by state last 30 years in four major sports. I piked this topic because I personally thought how many people participated in the diffrent sports from 14 diffrent states for the past 30 years I thought it was strange that the most people that participated in the NCAA were from Florida.
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