This week, fellow scientists, your blog assignment is find a super cool chemical reaction, learn a little bit about it, and share it with all of us.
Have fun! Be creative! Find weird reactions!
chemical reaction= mentos in soda found info from google and my knowledge
I found out that when you put mentos in soda the soda will bubble and will get shot into the air. the reason this will happen is because there is carbon dioxide in the cola. There is a tiny hole in the mentos and when the carbon dioxide goes into the hole it makes it bubble. also i herd that bye the time the mentos hits the bottom it will shut up and out.
I learned about leaving a penny in water that the rust is GREEN! The reason this happens is because of the chemical reactions with copper and vinegar. This happens because the vinegar takes away electrons from copper to make its “Electron Bank” evened out.
Link to a picture of a chemical reaction:
chemical reaction: Potassium chloride and a red gummy bear.
When potassium chlorate is heated to a point where it meltis any item added to it will cause an active breakdown in the form of an explosion. The gas coming off the is oxygen. Because of this, it is usually used in airplanes, space stations, and submarines as a base for oxygen.
For an example of this go to:
I found the scariest chemical reaction! I found the chemical reaction of love. In a lab in Yerkes, a scientist injected a female vole with oxytocin. The female vole instantly fell in love with any male vole she saw. For a male vole, he just needed to be injected with vasopressin, and the same effect happened. These chemicals work because these are the hormones that trigger the feeling of love. If you don't believe me, read the article.
I looked at the Rauscher reaction. It’s something where a colorless liquid turns water light brown, then turns suddenly in to a very dark shade of blue. It slowly turns back to being colorless. It repeats about ten times until it remains dark blue and smells like iodine. It does this because the first reaction causes chemicals to be released in to the liquid. This starts the second reaction and so on.
Here’s the link:
For my chemical reaction I chose why do marshmallows inflate when you microwave them?
I turns out that marshmallows are made out of foamed sugar. When you microwave anything you cause the water molecules in it to vibrate. This vibration produces heat. The heat gets trapped in the foam and caused the marshmallows to expand until your moms comes in and says stop abusing with the microwave!
when I was reaseching chemical reactions, I found a intresting chemical reaction.
This chemical reaction is on 4th of July when fireworks blaze your sky with light. It all has to do with the two metals inside the fireworks. which is magnesium and copper, when they bind together to make a chemical reaction inside the fireworks. To make that bright white light atoms have when they explode.
When I was looking for cool chemical reactions I found this really weird one. Cornell was doing a demonstration for national chemistry week (a week late) and decided to show an explosion.
This is how they did it: Before they demonstrated they cut a face into the pumpkin. Then they put hydrogen peroxide into the pumpkin which reacted with the catalase (in the skin of the pumpkin) and then put in water. Then they lit the back of the pumpkin on fire with a lighter and the face cut into the pumpkin exploded out.
this is the link for the Cornell video: My reaction was thermite plus liquid nitrogen Thermite as the name suggests can get very hot Here is one thermite chemical reaction Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3 + heat Fe is iron O is oxygen Al is aluminum The arrow is a detonator probably an open flame or possibly glycerin.
And nitrogen is a gas and must be VERY cold to become a liquid
So it’s VERY hot vs. VERY cold So what will happen? Well what happens when you take eighty-five and add negative eighty-five? Zero.
Well… that’s not what happens. Once the thermite reaction is completed, you get some VERY hot iron and aluminum. If you try to cool it down with something VERY cold like liquid nitrogen, then BOOM. Basically you get a bigger reaction than the first time. As that Australian guy from that video I saw on the site I got this information from says, “adding liquid nitrogen to thermite doesn’t cancel it out it just makes it angry."
Have you ever wondered why fireworks make that white bright light atoms have?
I will tell ou why. In the firworks there are two metals called magnesium and copper. Those two metals combust together to make a chemical reaction. Just like the white bright light atoms have when they explode.
Here is the link if you want to read the article:
• A Clear Glass/Jar • Carbonated Drink (Clear) • A Handful (4-6) of Raisins
This experiment is really cool!
First put a few raisins in the water. What happens? They sink. Why? The raisins are heavier and more dense than water. Now put a few raisins in the soda.
This time they should also sink, but then gas bubbles of carbon dioxide will stick to the raisin and eventually lift it with them to the top. Then what? The bubbles pop and the raisins sink again.
This is what will happen for about a hour:
-Raisins are denser than the carbonated drink, so they will sink.
-Gas bubbles attach to the wrinkles on the raisins.
-When the raisins are covered with the bubbles they become less dense than the drink, so they start to rise.
-The gas bubbles start bursting and then the raisins become denser than the drink, so they sink again.
This is the link i go all my information for:
I did them chemical reaction of when you breathe in helium your voice gets squeaky.
This is because when you talk air passes through your vocal cords which makes them vibrate. The vibrating vocal cord makes the air around them vibrate which makes you talk. Also we make different sounds by changing the shape of our mouth, and when you speak your voice comes out as waves.
Sounds waves act different depending on what there moving through. Usually you breathe in air but helium in much less dense than air. So then the sound waves travel though it faster. But most people think the pitch of your voice is altered but really it’s the quality that is. And that’s why when you breathe in helium your voice gets squeaky.
Most animals at the bottom of the ocean can produce Bioluminescence. Fireflies also produce Bioluminescence.
What elements/chemicals cause the reaction?
When Luciferin,(A substrate)luciferase (an enzyme), ATP (The energy in a cell), and oxygen combined is the reaction of light. 3% of this energy is used as light, 97% is used for heat.
Why is Bioluminescence useful?
For fireflies, they can attract mates using there distinct flash signals. For other animals at the twilight zone, they can use their Bioluminescence to warn or scare off predators. But its the other way around for jellyfish and football fish.
Slowly warm 1/2 cup of heavy cream (or milk). When it begins simmering, stir in a few spoonfuls of vinegar (lemon juice will also work). Continue adding spoonfuls of vinegar and stirring until it begins to gel. Now let the it cool. Next, wash the rubbery stuff with water to clean it off. You'll have little plastic 'curds'.
Or you can try this.
How to make a balloon blow up
Put a balloon around the open part thing of the bottle, that should be filled with baking soda and vinegar.
Wait of the bottle to get full of carbon dioxide and then it will fill up in the balloon and soon the balloon will blow up.
As a curious scientist, I have always wondered how the chemical reaction works in glow sticks. I've used them multiple times, like at Halloween and camp outs, but I have never known what was inside the mysterious light sticks that always kept them going.
When I found an article online about glow sticks, I decided to choose it for my blog work. Let me show you what I've learned....
*Glow Sticks work like light; they get formed as energy and can be emitted through these three "processes":
Incandesence (The emission of light through heat)
Floresence and phosphresence (the emission of light because of radiation energy)
Laser generation (the man-made form of light that uses stimulated emission)
Anyway, these three things all share the same rule: they get excited when an outside source of energy reach the atoms, causing them to release photons, which are tiny particles of light. This also happens to glow sticks, except it uses a chemical reaction to get the atoms worked up instead of a source of energy. This happens when two chemical compounds mix together. This may either cause a release of energy or an absorption of energy(that all depends on the chemical's nature). Just like an incandescent light bulb, this chemical reaction causes the atoms to get excited and leap to a higher level of energy, then later returning to the normal level (think back to when we watched that video of combining molecules in class!) When the chemicals have calmed down, they release energy as light. This whole process is called chemiluminesence (see the words chemical and luminesence, or light, in it?)
The chemical reaction is a little complicated when it comes to glow sticks, so I won't explain it all. But, I will tell you that hydrogen peroxide, phenyl oxalate ester and florescent dye are all major ingredients in the reaction.
At this point, most people might have stopped reading my comment or are just plain lost. "What causes this chemical reaction to take place?" you ask. Well, I will tell you the answer!
It starts like this: the hydrogen peroxide, or the "activator" is in one chamber located in the glow stick in the small container near the middle. The other two ingredients from above are floating around it . When you bend the stick you crack open the hydrogen peroxide and allow it to combined with the rest of the liquid, which then emits light.
- Scuba divers today use the waterproof lamp to go under the water and to lead them on their journey. -The glow stick was invented 25 years ago. -Heat causes the glow stick to be brighter, and cold air causes the glow stick to die out. -The color in the stick is really florescent dye. Th color of the light depends on the chemical make-up.
The chemical reaction I chose was mixing Boiling wax and Coke.
When I was searching online for cool chemical reactions I found one that had said if you mix Boiling wax and Coke together it will burst into flames. Something even more interesting was when I found out how and why this happens. This happens when first, the wax starts to bubble and vaporize, and the vaporized wax starts to push all the air out in the test tube that it is in. But, without air in the tube the wax can't burn. Then, the heat of the hot tube makes two different effects when it mixes with the coke. 1) It makes a steam explosion by flash-boiling the water and causes the coke to eject the carbon dioxide which was dissovled in it because of the heat. 2)The erruption of water vapor and carbon dioxide pushes the wax back up the tube.
And then the wax mixes with the air as it shoots up and out of the tube, and it recieves enough oxygen to burn, ending up in a fire ball. And that's why when Boiling Wax and Coke are mixed together, they burst into flames.
potassium chlorate is a compound containing(of course) potassium, chlorine and oxygen. It is often used as a disinfectant, fireworks and explosives. When potassium chlorate is heated to melting point, any item added to it (red gummie bear) will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosive. The gas coming off the potassium chlorate is oxygen. Because of this, it is often used in airplanes, space stations, and submarines as a source for oxygen
the link is
The chemical reaction is caused when a gummy bear is put into molten potassium chlorate. Potassium Chlorate is a storng oxidizing material and reacts violently with sugar.
Here is a video:
the chemical reaction I chose is the decomposing(rotting) of food. Tiny little things called micro-organisms feed on the food which makes it change into another substance. It is impossible to create fresh food from rotting food.
When you put a large test tube of a burner or heat source and add a small amount of potassium chlorate a cool thing might happen… let the potassium chlorate melt in the tube take a long handed tongs and pick up a gummi bear (I’m pretty sure color doesn’t matter in the video they used red) now put the gummi bear in the tube and it will BLOW the test tube may even shatter this is because the sucrose in the gummi bear potassium chlorate and oxygen produces a reaction witch will make carbon dioxide, water and potassium chloride
Link to video:
P.S. when i was working on this i did not relize other people did this reaction soory
I did the Reaction of Potassium Chlorite and a gummy Bear
In the video I watched a gummy bear get mixed with the potassium chloride and EXPLODE!!! The reason why when potassium chlorate is heated to melting point, any item added to it will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosion. The gases you see is oxygen thats why they contain this reaction and use it for oxygen on planes, submarines, and space stations.
This is a total classic, but making errupting volcanoes is a cool chemical reaction, and it's not toxic (Awwwwwwwww, come on!). When you put water, baking soda (not to much) and slowly pour vinager, the chemicals mix and creates the bubbly-fizzy stuff that comes out of the model volcano. And when you add some red dye it looks more realistic (but not so much). My computer wont let me paste, but I think you already know how this works.
I learned that when potassium chloride is heated up to when it will melt any item that includes sugar that is added will cause an active breakdown aka an explosion. The gas coming off of it is what I belive to be oxygen. And because of that it can be used in airplanes, submarines and stuff like that for a base oxygen.
P.S I read my post and it sounded kind of like from where I found it so I did my best to refrase it.
to see this experiment go to:
P.S.S I'm sorry if you thought I was plagerising i truely didn't mean to if I was.
Website: Author: didn't say Summary: about this scientist who put some chemical pour into a mixer for mixing chemicals I would guess and next thing you know the water starts changing colors it was weird.
When I saw this video, I was amazed to see this.So I did a little more research on this, I couldn't get much info other than the same video over and over again.But it was a good video I don't know how they did it but it was good.If you know anything about this chemical reaction would you explain to me how it works. thank you bye
chemical reaction= mentos in soda
found info from google and my knowledge
I found out that when you put mentos in soda the soda will bubble and will get shot into the air. the reason this will happen is because there is carbon dioxide in the cola. There is a tiny hole in the mentos and when the carbon dioxide goes into the hole it makes it bubble. also i herd that bye the time the mentos hits the bottom it will shut up and out.
I learned about leaving a penny in water that the rust is GREEN! The reason this happens is because of the chemical reactions with copper and vinegar. This happens because the vinegar takes away electrons from copper to make its “Electron Bank” evened out.
Link to a picture of a chemical reaction:
chemical reaction: Potassium chloride and a red gummy bear.
When potassium chlorate is heated to a point where it meltis any item added to it will cause an active breakdown in the form of an explosion. The gas coming off the is oxygen. Because of this, it is usually used in airplanes, space stations, and submarines as a base for oxygen.
For an example of this go to:
I found the scariest chemical reaction! I found the chemical reaction of love. In a lab in Yerkes, a scientist injected a female vole with oxytocin. The female vole instantly fell in love with any male vole she saw. For a male vole, he just needed to be injected with vasopressin, and the same effect happened. These chemicals work because these are the hormones that trigger the feeling of love. If you don't believe me, read the article.
I looked at the Rauscher reaction. It’s something where a colorless liquid turns water light brown, then turns suddenly in to a very dark shade of blue. It slowly turns back to being colorless. It repeats about ten times until it remains dark blue and smells like iodine. It does this because the first reaction causes chemicals to be released in to the liquid. This starts the second reaction and so on.
Here’s the link:
For my chemical reaction I chose why do marshmallows inflate when you microwave them?
I turns out that marshmallows are made out of foamed sugar. When you microwave anything you cause the water molecules in it to vibrate. This vibration produces heat. The heat gets trapped in the foam and caused the marshmallows to expand until your moms comes in and says stop abusing with the microwave!
Input out!
when I was reaseching chemical reactions, I found a intresting chemical reaction.
This chemical reaction is on 4th of July when fireworks blaze your sky with light. It all has to do with the two metals inside the fireworks. which is magnesium and copper, when they bind together to make a chemical reaction inside the fireworks. To make that bright white light atoms have when they explode.
When I was looking for cool chemical reactions I found this really weird one. Cornell was doing a demonstration for national chemistry week (a week late) and decided to show an explosion.
This is how they did it: Before they demonstrated they cut a face into the pumpkin. Then they put hydrogen peroxide into the pumpkin which reacted with the catalase (in the skin of the pumpkin) and then put in water. Then they lit the back of the pumpkin on fire with a lighter and the face cut into the pumpkin exploded out.
this is the link for the Cornell video:
My reaction was thermite plus liquid nitrogen
Thermite as the name suggests can get very hot
Here is one thermite chemical reaction
Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3 + heat
Fe is iron
O is oxygen
Al is aluminum
The arrow is a detonator probably an open flame or possibly glycerin.
And nitrogen is a gas and must be VERY cold to become a liquid
So it’s VERY hot vs. VERY cold
So what will happen?
Well what happens when you take eighty-five and add negative eighty-five? Zero.
Well… that’s not what happens.
Once the thermite reaction is completed, you get some VERY hot iron and aluminum. If you try to cool it down with something VERY cold like liquid nitrogen, then BOOM. Basically you get a bigger reaction than the first time. As that Australian guy from that video I saw on the site I got this information from says, “adding liquid nitrogen to thermite doesn’t cancel it out it just makes it angry."
Have you ever wondered why fireworks make that white bright light atoms have?
I will tell ou why. In the firworks there are two metals called magnesium and copper. Those two metals combust together to make a chemical reaction. Just like the white bright light atoms have when they explode.
Here is the link if you want to read the article:
Chemical Reaction: Bobbing Raisins
Materials you will need:
• A Clear Glass/Jar
• Carbonated Drink (Clear)
• A Handful (4-6) of Raisins
This experiment is really cool!
First put a few raisins in the water. What happens? They sink. Why? The raisins are heavier and more dense than water. Now put a few raisins in the soda.
This time they should also sink, but then gas bubbles of carbon dioxide will stick to the raisin and eventually lift it with them to the top. Then what? The bubbles pop and the raisins sink again.
This is what will happen for about a hour:
-Raisins are denser than the carbonated drink, so they will sink.
-Gas bubbles attach to the wrinkles on the raisins.
-When the raisins are covered with the bubbles they become less dense than the drink, so they start to rise.
-The gas bubbles start bursting and then the raisins become denser than the drink, so they sink again.
This is the link i go all my information for:
I did them chemical reaction of when you breathe in helium your voice gets squeaky.
This is because when you talk air passes through your vocal cords which makes them vibrate. The vibrating vocal cord makes the air around them vibrate which makes you talk. Also we make different sounds by changing the shape of our mouth, and when you speak your voice comes out as waves.
Sounds waves act different depending on what there moving through. Usually you breathe in air but helium in much less dense than air. So then the sound waves travel though it faster. But most people think the pitch of your voice is altered but really it’s the quality that is. And that’s why when you breathe in helium your voice gets squeaky.
My chemical reaction is on Bioluminescence.
Where can I find/see Bioluminescence?
Most animals at the bottom of the ocean can produce Bioluminescence. Fireflies also produce Bioluminescence.
What elements/chemicals cause the reaction?
When Luciferin,(A substrate)luciferase (an enzyme), ATP (The energy in a cell), and oxygen combined is the reaction of light. 3% of this energy is used as light, 97% is used for heat.
Why is Bioluminescence useful?
For fireflies, they can attract mates using there distinct flash signals. For other animals at the twilight zone, they can use their Bioluminescence to warn or scare off predators. But its the other way around for jellyfish and football fish.
Examples of Bioluminescence:
How to make homemade plastic
Slowly warm 1/2 cup of heavy cream (or milk).
When it begins simmering, stir in a few spoonfuls of vinegar (lemon juice will also work).
Continue adding spoonfuls of vinegar and stirring until it begins to gel.
Now let the it cool.
Next, wash the rubbery stuff with water to clean it off. You'll have little plastic 'curds'.
Or you can try this.
How to make a balloon blow up
Put a balloon around the open part thing of the bottle, that should be filled with baking soda and vinegar.
Wait of the bottle to get full of carbon dioxide and then it will fill up in the balloon and soon the balloon will blow up.
As a curious scientist, I have always wondered how the chemical reaction works in glow sticks. I've used them multiple times, like at Halloween and camp outs, but I have never known what was inside the mysterious light sticks that always kept them going.
When I found an article online about glow sticks, I decided to choose it for my blog work. Let me show you what I've learned....
*Glow Sticks work like light; they get formed as energy and can be emitted through these three "processes":
Incandesence (The emission of light through heat)
Floresence and phosphresence (the emission of light because of radiation energy)
Laser generation (the man-made form of light that uses stimulated emission)
Anyway, these three things all share the same rule: they get excited when an outside source of energy reach the atoms, causing them to release photons, which are tiny particles of light. This also happens to glow sticks, except
it uses a chemical reaction to get the atoms worked up instead of a source of energy. This happens when two chemical compounds mix together. This may either cause a release of energy or an absorption of energy(that all depends on the chemical's nature). Just like an incandescent light bulb, this chemical reaction causes the atoms to get excited and leap to a higher level of energy, then later returning to the normal level (think back to when we watched that video of combining molecules in class!) When the chemicals have calmed down, they release energy as light. This whole process is called chemiluminesence (see the words chemical and luminesence, or light, in it?)
The chemical reaction is a little complicated when it comes to glow sticks, so I won't explain it all. But, I will tell you that hydrogen peroxide, phenyl oxalate ester and florescent dye are all major ingredients in the reaction.
At this point, most people might have stopped reading my comment or are just plain lost. "What causes this chemical reaction to take place?" you ask. Well, I will tell you the answer!
It starts like this: the hydrogen peroxide, or the "activator" is in one chamber located in the glow stick in the small container near the middle. The other two ingredients from above are floating around it . When you bend the stick you crack open the hydrogen peroxide and allow it to combined with the rest of the liquid, which then emits light.
- Scuba divers today use the waterproof lamp to go under the water and to lead them on their journey.
-The glow stick was invented 25 years ago.
-Heat causes the glow stick to be brighter, and cold air causes the glow stick to die out.
-The color in the stick is really florescent dye. Th color of the light depends on the chemical make-up.
The chemical reaction I chose was mixing Boiling wax and Coke.
When I was searching online for cool chemical reactions I found one that had said if you mix Boiling wax and Coke together it will burst into flames. Something even more interesting was when I found out how and why this happens. This happens when first, the wax starts to bubble and vaporize, and the vaporized wax starts to push all the air out in the test tube that it is in. But, without air in the tube the wax can't burn. Then, the heat of the hot tube makes two different effects when it mixes with the coke.
1) It makes a steam explosion by flash-boiling the water and causes the coke to eject the carbon dioxide which was dissovled in it because of the heat.
2)The erruption of water vapor and carbon dioxide pushes the wax back up the tube.
And then the wax mixes with the air as it shoots up and out of the tube, and it recieves enough oxygen to burn, ending up in a fire ball. And that's why when Boiling Wax and Coke are mixed together, they burst into flames.
Potassium Chlorate + Gummie Bear = BOOM
potassium chlorate is a compound containing(of course) potassium, chlorine and oxygen. It is often used as a disinfectant, fireworks and explosives. When potassium chlorate is heated to melting point, any item added to it (red gummie bear) will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosive. The gas coming off the potassium chlorate is oxygen. Because of this, it is often used in airplanes, space stations, and submarines as a source for oxygen
the link is
The chemical reaction is caused when a gummy bear is put into molten potassium chlorate. Potassium Chlorate is a storng oxidizing material and reacts violently with sugar.
Here is a video:
Another link you might like (because it goes up in flames) is:
the chemical reaction I chose is the decomposing(rotting) of food. Tiny little things called micro-organisms feed on the food which makes it change into another substance. It is impossible to create fresh food from rotting food.
Dancing Gummi Bears
When you put a large test tube of a burner or heat source and add a small amount of potassium chlorate a cool thing might happen… let the potassium chlorate melt in the tube take a long handed tongs and pick up a gummi bear (I’m pretty sure color doesn’t matter in the video they used red) now put the gummi bear in the tube and it will BLOW the test tube may even shatter this is because the sucrose in the gummi bear potassium chlorate and oxygen produces a reaction witch will make carbon dioxide, water and potassium chloride
Link to video:
P.S. when i was working on this i did not relize other people did this reaction soory
<3 <3
Yolanda Figgle
I did the Reaction of Potassium Chlorite and a gummy Bear
In the video I watched a gummy bear get mixed with the potassium chloride and EXPLODE!!! The reason why when potassium chlorate is heated to melting point, any item added to it will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosion.
The gases you see is oxygen thats why they contain this reaction and use it for oxygen on planes, submarines, and space stations.
This is a total classic, but making errupting volcanoes is a cool chemical reaction, and it's not toxic (Awwwwwwwww, come on!). When you put water, baking soda (not to much) and slowly pour vinager, the chemicals mix and creates the bubbly-fizzy stuff that comes out of the model volcano. And when you add some red dye it looks more realistic (but not so much). My computer wont let me paste, but I think you already know how this works.
I learned that when potassium chloride is heated up to when it will melt any item that includes sugar that is added will cause an active breakdown aka an explosion. The gas coming off of it is what I belive to be oxygen. And because of that it can be used in airplanes, submarines and stuff like that for a base oxygen.
P.S I read my post and it sounded kind of like from where I found it so I did my best to refrase it.
to see this experiment go to:
P.S.S I'm sorry if you thought I was plagerising i truely didn't mean to if I was.
Author: didn't say
Summary: about this scientist who put some chemical pour into a mixer for mixing chemicals I would guess and next thing you know the water starts changing colors it was weird.
When I saw this video, I was amazed to see this.So I did a little more research on this, I couldn't get much info other than the same video over and over again.But it was a good video I don't know how they did it but it was good.If you know anything about this chemical reaction would you explain to me how it works.
thank you bye
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