Monday, November 30, 2009

Scientific Method Study Guide

Here are the notes for Friday's test.
Come see me if you have questions.

Scientific Method Study Guide

You may also find this presentation helpful:

Extra Credit Blog Work - 7th Grade

Here is the place to post any extra credit blog work you may want to do.

Have fun!

Human Body Systems Test Study Guide - 8th Grade

As promised, I have put together a study guide for the test on the body systems coming up Friday.

You can get it here:
Body Systems Study Guide

There is a lot of information and concepts for you to put together.

I recommend that you start studying now. I am always available for extra help.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting to our Google Stuff

Here is the link to work with our school Google stuff:
Personalized Start Page

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey, We Did That, Too - 7th Grade

Today's NY Times has an article about how companies are suing each other about claims that they have made in ads. In order to defend themselves, the companies must provide scientific evidence for their claims. Just like us.

You can read it here:

Best Soup Ever?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Enzyme Animation - 8th Grade

I thought you might like to review the presentation on enzymes that we went through in class.
You can find it here.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Product Claim Lab - 7th Grade

Here is the stuff you need for the Product Claim Lab.

The instructions for the lab are here:
Product Claim Lab Instructions

And here is the presentation I showed in class to help you get some ideas for possible experiments:

8th Grade UPCO Work for Next Week

Here is the UPCO work for next week.

8th Grade Science
Mr. Ardito

Body Systems in the UPCO textbook

Please work through the following chapters and sections of your UPCO books. In addition, please makes notes about questions you may have about what you are reading.

This work is due by Friday November 20, 2009

Chapter 8, sections A-G

Chapter 9, sections A-Q

Chapter 12, sections A-P.

Friday, November 6, 2009

8th Grade - Nervous System Lab Write Up

Here is the lab write up for the set of nervous system labs you have done -- reaction time, toothpick mapping, and hot/cold water.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Learning about Learning Lab