Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekly Science Article Report #2 - Period 3

For a reminder, here's what to do for this assignment:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?

Your report is due Friday here on the blog.

By Monday, you will post comments on the work of three other students. Your comments should include:
1) One thing you appreciated/liked about their report - something you think they did well.
2) One suggestion you have for how they might improve their work in the future.
As always, I look forward to reading your work.


eatsleepswim said...

My article is called
"Geener diet"
I found it at

This article is about The American Association for the Advancement of Science had a meeting in chicago and they showed new studdies about how food and its production effects the envirment.

I liked the article alot because this one was alot easyer then the last one I read plus it was also on a good subject that I enjoyed reading about.
I was actually supprised that meat was causing alot carbon dioxi in the planet because meat is one of my favorite types of food and same with a lot of other people. So really if we wanted to help out the earth alot we could all become vegiterians(which in my case will never happen). Another thing that suprised me was that the process of making a one half-pound beef burger adds the equivalent (made up of other greenhouse gases) of about 19 times that hamburger’s weight in carbon dioxide.
One question I still have is could man ever make a burger or anyother meet dish without using carbon dioxi?

gigitygigitygigitygo1234 said...

Publication: National Geographic Kids

This article was about a polar bear at Point Defiance zoo in Washington who celebrates Halloween. “He doesn’t dress up for it,” says Derek woddie lead polar bear keeper, at the zoo. He plays pumpkin basketball in his pool.

I think the fascinating article I read says to people across the world, that not only people can do amazing things, so can other things like this polar bear playing under water basketball. I learned that polar bears like under water acclivities such as, under water basketball.

I wonder who taught this polar bear to play basketball?

Why did the polar bear just pick Halloween to play polar ball? Why not any other day?

I think that the article brought me into read it because it involves one of my fairest sports which is basketball.

fredysnichelburger said...

My artical is called Volcano in Alaska Simmers Down. It is by Associated Press. I found my magizene in the new york times. The magizene i choose is about a coating of volcanic ash over scores of communities, including this city, the state's largest. A plume rose 25,ooo feet above sea level. I liked the artical because it explained a lot and it was able to understand. What interested me was how a plume rose 25,000 feet above sea level. My question is why did the plume shot 25,00 feet above sea level?

Flaming wambat said...

(Author Not Identified)

This article was about those cute little weasels I obsess over. It explains ermines location, size, color, behavior, activity rate, how they live, their diet and predators.

I liked this article because it was informative and explained to me things I didn’t know. But what I didn’t like was how they wrote only three paragraphs and double spaced between each one.

Slakers !!!!!! I expected more !!!!!

But seriously now… What surprised me about this article was despite its short length it taught me so many things! It gave me the whole story and even showed me a picture of an ermine in the non-winter months. That is something I’ve wanted to see for a long time. This was a very interesting and clear cut article and I guess that the only question I have besides, “Can you give more pictures?” is “Could you explain more about how the ermine makes a den?”.

Diablo666 said...

Got Arachnophobia? Here's Your Worst Nightmare
by Gretel C. Kovach
This article is about gigantic spiderwebs found in Wills Point, Texas. I mean, they were really huge.
I really liked this article because of all the great viewpoints it juggles. It talks about the guy who first became interested in the webs and how he thinks it's a bit creepy. It talks about a professor of biology, and how he thinks that at first it was a fake, but afterwards, he is shocked and amazed. It also talks about the grouchy employee who first discovered the webs, who doesn't appreciate the beauty of the webs.
I think it was interesting that even though spiders are said to be solitary creatures, they all came together to make a marvel of nature. That's beautiful.
I do have a few questions about this article. I want to know the spiders' motive for building this gossamer masterpiece. For recognition? A teamwork analogy? I would like to know. Are there other sightings of humongous webs in the U.S.? What will science do with the spiders? This article just makes me beg for more odd spider phenomena!

Diablo666, out.

jimbojones446 said...

The author is the Neitz laboratory, University of Washington. I found it on Science News for kids.
The article is about how squirrel monkeys can not see red and green because of a small amount of and type of protein they helps you see these colors. The scientists found out a way that they think the monkeys can get these proteins so they can see both red and green.
I love the article because it was cool and I like monkeys and also because it interests me. It surprised me that for some reason the monkeys have something in their brains that if they get enough protein they can see the colors red and green. The one question I have is can this work for any animals color blindness.

Katy Perry said...

"Super Goo to the Rescue"
By Emily ?

The article that I chose was called "Super Goo to the Rescue", and was about how scientist recently discovered a sticky substance that could help clean up after nuclear bombs dropped by terrorist. In this article they told how they took sodium polyacrylate and turned it into a glue like paste that could one day possibly save the world.

After reading this article online I knew it would be the one I would choose for this
blog assignment because I enjoyed it so
much. Why, you ask? Because I was instantly
fascinated when I heard that a material like glue could help remove any leftover particles that would be left on a building if a terrorist ever set off, as scientist call, a "dirty bomb". To know that a paste could one day save us all really got me thinking.

What really surprised me was to know that the same material that is used to make super goo absorb "dirty bombs" is also used inside diapers! You see, the tiny crystals I mentioned before called sodium polyacrylate are in disposable diapers and work by holding hundreds of times their weight in water. (Oh, so that's were it all goes!)

Some questions I still have about this article is how much of this goo stuff will it take to protect New York City? Also, about how much waste can this goo absorb without bursting?

Flaming wambat said...

This is for Diablo666...

I like how enthusiastic you were a bout the article. And I always like your questions. But what I didn’t like was how much the "if and why I like this article" piece resembles a "what my article is about" piece.

And this one's for gigitygigitygigitygo1234...

First of all, I love the topic. Second, I also like how you explained why you liked the topic. I was expecting something... predictable. But I disliked the way you explained what you learned/surprised you.

And finally this is for fredysnichelburger...

I liked your topic and how it was so fast paced. You never droned on a topic for too long. But that is also a double edged sword. I would have preferred to see more. And now here I am sounding like a teacher and I apologize for that. But I would also like to comment on the spelling before I finish. Please double check your work.

And a final not to Mr. A

I have family coming over the weekend and decided that I’d do this before they came.

mannylautner:) said...

My article is called
"Sugar-Pill Medicine"
By (Author not identified)

I found it at:

This article is about a fake medicine called a Placebo. Supposedly, this "medicine" is just a tablet filled with sugar that can still produce the same healing affect as an active drug.

I really liked this article about Placebo's.
I liked it because it kind of influences the saying that when you have a positive attitude good things can happen, and that's basically what Placebo's do. Placebo's get the patient who's taking them, into thinking that since a doctor prescribed this to me,it has got to work, and that they are going to get better.But really it's just sugar!

One thing that surprised me about this article is that it says that sometimes the Placebo has given a strange effect to the some patients. What they mean is that sometimes when the doctor gave the patient a Placebo, and told him that it was going to make him feel better -it did, even though it was just sugar, without any active ingredient, the patient got better!

The one thing I would like to know is, wouldn't a Placebo be kind of like candy because it's just full of sugar?

When were Placebo's invented?

And last but not least,
How can a patient get better by taking a Placebo?

gigitygigitygigitygo1234 said...

This is for eatsleepswim:
o I did not know that the burger I ate last night had that much carbon dioxide in it.
o I liked how you had a lot of great detail.
o Thank you, eatsleepswim for summarizing this article for me. I will have to check it out sometime.

danchoper gaoga said...

This is for eatsleepswim:
I did not know that burgers have a lot of c2o in it.
A very interesting article of c2o and where it is.
Thanks for the information!!


fredysnitchelburger said...

This is two gigitygigitygigitygo1234. He wrote a report that interested me. His report was about a polor bear that plays basketball under water on holloween.

danchoper gaoga said...

My article is about nuclear batteries and how they are used.
Found at

It is all about nuclear batteries and where they are used. The reason I chose this article is that I think that it is interesting to know about nuclear things.

One thing that surprised me is that the battery is about the same size as a dime. It is so strange how they can make a battery that small.

How can we use them in our every day life?

danchoper gaoga said...


The author is Dr.Jae
The title is"Tiny Nuclear Batteries Revealed"

Diablo666 said...

This is for Flaming Wombat. You are absolutely enthusiastic about your topic. Unfortunately, I would have liked to see some examples of what the article taught you so that I, too could learn more about ermines.

This is for Katy Perry. I loved your choice of article and its interesting title and
subject, but I want to see an example of what situation the paste would save us in.

Finally, this is for jimbojones446. Excellent, humorous topic. However, please check your punctuation (i.e. quotation marks and question marks)!

Diablo666, out.

eatsleepswim said...

This is for gigitygigitygigitygo1234:
I really liked the topic I find it very interesting that polor bears play basketball.I think you should work a little on the spelling: acclivities, does that look right to you? Can polor bears play any other sports.

This is to fredysnichelburger: I really liked all the words you used like: Associated. One thing I didn't really like was that it was hard to under stand it at some points I think you should break it in to paraghphs. One question I have have is what is plume rose? I didn't really get that.

This is to danchoper gaoga:
I really liked how you put your self in to it it made the article much more interesting. Did you like the article cause it dosent really say. One thing I'm still wondering about is what do they use that tiny batterie for?

fredysnitchelburger said...

This is for eatspeepswim... I liked how he gave the readers a great summery of the story he wrote about.

Pengu97 said...

Two Monkeys see a More Colorful World
Author unknown

Summary: Two male squirrel monkeys are seeing all colors, while most are blind to red and green. The Neitz Laboratory, in Washington, tells us how it happened.

Reflection: I liked the article a lot. It was fun to learn about how it is possible to make a monkey see red and green, and to learn how we see different colors. It was really cool to learn about how the monkeys reacted to the change. It also had a cool display showing how the monkeys saw things before being able to see red and green. It then showed how they saw things now.

It was very surprising to find out that we can change the vision of animals with a simple drug. It was also surprising to learn that this might be the cure for blindness, or at least colorblindness. It was pretty interesting to see how they tested the monkey’s vision.

A big question I had when I read is how the scientists know what the monkeys saw with and without the vision color change. I would also like to know if they had tested the drug on actual people. I wish that the author would have gone into a bit more depth with the whole “Vision Test”, because I thought that part was really interesting.

fredysnitchelburger said...

This is to jimbojones446... I like how he/she said something about the monkeys and sad why it happend. I think they could say more about the monkey thing and why it happend

GotLax18 said...

My article is called
Asteroid collision 'less likely'
found at BBC

This article is about a asteroid being calculated to miss earth in the near futer.

I liked this article because i was affraid an astroid would hit the earth and this article says that wont happen any time soon. I was surprised that theres a 4 in 1 million that an astroid will make inpack on earth.
I was wondering how they can caculate things that are in 20 years.

Pengu97 said...

This is for Diablo666:

I thought that you were nice and detailed. You would always have something interesting to say. The one thing that you would do a bit is say something and then repeat it while still in the same subject, where it wasn’t, in my opinion, completely necessary. All in all, very good. Oh and, next time, please do something not about spiders, because I myself have arachnophobia.

This is for Flaming wambat:

I thought you did a really good job in saying why you were interested. Instead of saying: “I like Ermines and that’s why I choose this article.” You explained that it thought you things. Kind of like a “Show don’t Tell”. The one thing was that I wish you had talked more about the Ermine and facts you learned. Maybe give us, the viewer a quick lesson on Ermines.

This is for fredysnichelburger:

I thought is that this was very cool yet scary, since the ash is very deadly. I like that. You choose a probably very interesting article and explained what it was about so I could very easily understand it. The only thing is that you kept changing the zeros, in type to amount.

Sciencediva7 said...

Title: Albina's cell phone
Author: Kathrn Hulick
Origin of article: Odessey magazine

What I read about was this girl in Kyrgyzstan, central asia, just got her first cell phone. Its one of her first piece of technology.

I thought article was good because it tells us that even parts of Asia arent updated at all. What surprised me was that Albina got her first cell hpone when she was 17. Imagine you being Albina and having to wait 17 years until you get your first cell phone. It also shows how low-tech Centeral Asia is. There are no buses, computers, or even fountains! Everyday Albina walks 45 minutes to school.

Is it possible for Krygzstan to have local transportation like school buses?

Will the rest of the kids/teenagers get their first cell phone?

Will Krygzstan have computers/internet connection?

Yolanda Figgle said...

Sugar-Pill Medicine
Science news for kids
Food and nutrient

The article is about placebo and how they can trick your body in making u better.
You could give someone a sugar pill and say that it will kill pain and it really does!

I liked it I thought it was AMAZING that a placebo could acutely cure some one it is awesome how you can trick your brain to be cured! I think that doctors should used placebo more often so no dangers medicines cloud hurt you

I have just a few questions
How does the brain think that a sugar pill can cur you?
Do side effects come from placebo?
If you take to many Placebo is it unhealthy?

<3 <3

Yolanda Figgle

curl the sheep said...

Citation: Leopard Behind You! By Olivia Judson
Summary: This article tells about how different species of animals react to each other's predator calls.
a)What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
I thought the article was very intersting and unknown to me. I really liked this article because it had a lot of good, interesting information.
b)What interested or surprised you about the article?
I thought it was really cool that different species could understand each other, but only when they need to (the article even says "In a small way, it’s like those childrens’ stories that have rats talking to toads, or elephants arguing with ostriches.")
c)What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about?
I don't think I have any questions about the article, it was very clear and straightforward, but I would like to know more about predators, who sends out the warning, and who understands it.

soccerlovr said...

Treating peanut allergy bit by bit
Scott Bauer

This article was about how to treat peanut allergies. Scientists are doing tests on children with severe peanut allergies. The doctors are giving the children small amounts of peanuts starting with a 1/1,000th of a peanut and seeing if the child can handle it.

I thought the article was interesting. I enjoyed the part when the scientists explained the research study. It surprised me how they are finding a cure for peanut allergies. Peanut allergies can be really dangerous people can even die.
I would like to know more about how the kids reacted to the peanuts. I would like to find out how the doctors thought of the cure. How in the world did they measure 1/1,000th of a peanut?

Mr.Asianboy said...

Male UCLA Student Slashes Female's Throat in Science Lab, Police Say
by Fox News,2933,562703,00.html

This article is about a male UCLA student slashing (cutting) a female UCLA student in the throat during science lab and she was been taken to Ronald Reagan-UCLA Medical Center. They closed off the Young Hall, where the lab is located.

I liked the article because it was very interesting because you don't normally hear that somebody has been cut in the throat in school. I was surprised that somebody actually did get cut in the throat in school because not a lot of people bring knifes to school. I want to know why the boy cut the girls throat because she must have done something pretty bad to him to make him that mad to cut her throat.

P.S. By accident i put this response on the wrong blog (i put it on the period five blog assignment) so i copied and pasted it here. oops

soccerlovr said...

Yolanda Figgle
It’s so cool how the sugar pill can really work. I want one!!! Your questions are great I wonder the same.

It was little short. In your summary you might want to check your spelling for future.

Yea it really weird how batteries can be that small. Some toys I have a t home have them but I loose them all the time. I think you could have had one or two more questions

teddy bear said...

Learning to Lie

I read an article that explains how children learn the habit of lying. Scientists learned children that are better at academics learn to lie at and earlier age (2 or3). Also I learned how often a child lies.

I thought the article was very interesting and got my attention fast. I really liked it because it made me think how much I lied and what other kids lie about. It really surprised me when I learned that the average child learns to lie between ages 2, 3, and 4, and that lying is more difficult than it seems to us. In the article it said, “A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying demands both advanced cognitive development and social skills that honesty simply doesn’t require.” The article said that by a child’s 4th birthday they will have experimented with lying to avoid punishment. The thing that surprised me the most was that within 2 hours the average 4 year old lies once, and an average 6 year old lies once every 1 ½ hours, showing that the older you are the more you lie.

In the beginning of the article two scientists made a survey on what subject teens 13 and older lied about to their parents. The top ten subjects were: what they spent their allowances on, whether they’d started dating, what clothes they put on away from the house, what movie they went to and whom they went with, alcohol and drug use, whether they were hanging out with friends their parents disapproved of, how they spent their afternoons while their parents were at work, whether chaperones were in attendance at a party, and whether they rode in cars driven by drunken teens. That I found very interesting. Almost 98% of teens lie more than 2 times a day.
Some question that I had were how much do adults lie a day or things that they lie about? Also how do kids discover the ability to lie at such a young age?

This is for eatsleepswim
I really liked reading your article I thought it was so interesting that people should turn into vegetarians to help the Earth. Also I thought you had a great question at the end. After reading your article I think I would have the same question.
The only thing I would say would be some spell checks but other then that I loved your report.

This is for Katy Perry
I really liked the article that you picked. I also though that it would be so cool if glue could clean up the garbage left over from nuclear bombs. I thought that it was really interesting that the same materials to make the glue are in diapers which is so weird.
I think that next time you could explain how the goo could make the left over’s disappear. Other than that, I though you had an awesome report.

This is for mannylautner:)
I though you picked a really cool article. I think that it is so amazing that by thinking something works it actually did. I liked your questions at the end and I wonder the same thing as you.
Next time I would explain why the doctors gave them fake medicine. Was it an experiment?

Flaming wombat said...

Sorry Mr A. I mistyped wombat

(Author Not Identified)

This article was about those cute little weasels I obsess over. It explains ermines location, size, color, behavior, activity rate, how they live, their diet and predators.

I liked this article because it was informative and explained to me things I didn’t know. But what I didn’t like was how they wrote only three paragraphs and double spaced between each one.

Slackers !!!!!! I expected more !!!!!

But seriously now… What surprised me about this article was despite its short length it taught me so many things! It gave me the whole story and even showed me a picture of an ermine in the non-winter months. That is something I’ve wanted to see for a long time. This was a very interesting and clear cut article and I guess that the only question I have besides, “Can you give more pictures?” is “Could you explain more about how the ermine makes a den?”.

This is for Diablo666...

I like how enthusiastic you were a bout the article. And I always like your questions. But what I didn’t like was how much the "if and why I like this article" piece resembles a "what my article is about" piece.

And this one's for gigitygigitygigitygo1234...

First of all, I love the topic. Second, I also like how you explained why you liked the topic. I was expecting something... predictable. But I disliked the way you explained what you learned/surprised you.

And finally this is for fredysnichelburger...

I liked your topic and how it was so fast paced. You never droned on a topic for too long. But that is also a double edged sword. I would have preferred to see more. And now here I am sounding like a teacher and I apologize for that. But I would also like to comment on the spelling before I finish. Please double check your work.

Pengu97 said...

Sorry Mr.A! I misspelled one word.

This is for Diablo666:

I thought that you were nice and detailed. You would always have something interesting to say. The one thing that you would do a bit is say something and then repeat it while still in the same subject, where it wasn’t, in my opinion, completely necessary. All in all, very good. Oh and, next time, please do something not about spiders, because I myself have arachnophobia.

This is for Flaming wambat:

I thought you did a really good job in saying why you were interested. Instead of saying: “I like Ermines and that’s why I choose this article.” You explained that it tought you things. Kind of like a “Show don’t Tell”. The one thing was that I wish you had talked more about the Ermine and facts you learned. Maybe give us, the viewer a quick lesson on Ermines.

This is for fredysnichelburger:

I thought is that this was very cool yet scary, since the ash is very deadly. I like that. You choose a probably very interesting article and explained what it was about so I could very easily understand it. The only thing is that you kept changing the zeros, in type to amount.

Katy Perry said...

Comment number 1

This is for Yolanda Figgle:

I really enjoyed your report about the crazy sugar pill that doctors proscribe to their patients. I thought that it was very well thought out and that your choice of article was great. My one comment of improvment is maybe you could explain more about the pill and what it does, and maybe you could add a little more detail about what you read.

Katy Perry said...

Comment number 2

This is for Flying wombat:

I loved how you layed out your report on Ermines. It was really well worded and very orginized. Who ever "Flying wombat" is I just want to tell them that their sense of humor is great! You were soooo funny in your article, especially when you said that "slackers!" stuff when you were explaining the length of the article. One thing I would have like to have seen more of was you getting into better detail about Ermines and facts on them. I would have liked to have known more about what these creatures are exactly.

Katy Perry said...

Comment number 3

This is for teddy bear:

Your report on children learning to lie at an early age was excellent. It was such an interesting article, and you really explained it all so well. Also, you supported and gave evidence very well, and you taught me a whole lot on the subject of lying. However, I did personally think it should have been a little shorter, but then again that is not really up to me. My advice is for you to next time trim it down a little. But overall I thought it was great!

mannylautner:) said...

This is for Katy Perry:

I absolutely loved your article about the glue like paste that could possibly save the world! I thought you explained your article very well, and it was so interesting to learn how the goo that cleaned up the garbage leftover from nuclear bombs, were also used in disposable diapers! Although, I think you could explain how the scientists even discovered this "glue", but other than that I thought that your article was amazing!

this is for eatsleepswim:

I really liked your article about how the meat was causing a lot of carbon dioxi in the planet. It was very interesting to learn how people should turn into vegetarians, which is better for the earth. I thought you had a good question at the end, which I would've asked too. The only thing I would do next time if I were you, would probably be just a couple of spell checks, but other than that, I thought your article was great!

this is for teddy bear:

I thought you picked a very cool topic for your article. You also explained it in such a way that made me get so interested in it! Your questions were also very good, and it was something that got me thinking. However, I thought you could explain little more, like do the scientist think of lying as a natural thing for such a little child? But other than that, I thought you did an awesome job!

Yolanda Figgle said...

Comments for others work:

Comment one of three:

Comment for: Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear's Choice of Article:

Learning to Lie


Teddy Bear i really liked the article you choiced i thoght it was intresting on how much older kids are the more they Lie i would think a 4 or 5 year old would lie more then a 8 or nine year old

The only thing i still wanted to know more was how kids learn to lie so young

<3 <3
Yolanda Figgle

sciencediva7 said...

My comments on:
I think that your article was very interesting, I also like nature, and you had solid questions.

One thing you could improve on is being more specific. Who were the names of the 2 guys who found the spider webs?

scienediva7 said...

My comment for Katy Perry:
I love your article! Even when I saw your title I wanted to read it. What I also liked about your article is how goo that's found in diapers, could save the world!

sciencediva7 said...

My comment for mannylautner:):
I liked the theme about your article, When you think positive, good things happen! I thought that it was funny in how they just but sugar in a pill capsule. They should make medicines more sweeter.

One thing you could improve on: Who was the doctor who invented "Placebo"?

Yolanda Figgle said...

Comments for others work:

Comment one of three:

Comment for: soccerlovr

soccerlovr's Choice of Article:
Treating peanut allergy bit by bit
Scott Bauer

i thought that your choice was very interesting and that scientist can cure this allergy wished you described a little more about the article but other wise it was very good

<3 <3
Yolanda Figgle

Yolanda Figgle said...

opps i wrote Comment one of thrre i meant two!!

<3 <3
Yolanda Figgle

Yolanda Figgle said...

Comments for others work:

Comment three of three:

Comment for :Katy Perry

Katy Perry's Choice of Article:

Super Goo

I really liked how you told about the article i wonder the same questions after reading your piece i would like to know how scientist found the goo though but otherwise perfect!

<3 <3
Yolanda Figgle

GotLax18 said...

this ones for u Pengu97
I liked your article i did not know they had a drug on fixing color blindness. One Q did they test the drug on people?
good article =]

this ones for u Diablo666
I liked your article and yes i am arachnophobick. One thing is you said the same things again some times
good article =]

this ones for u gigitygigitygigitygo1234
I liked your article i did know polar bears could play under water basket ball. One Q do other polar bears play basket ball?
good article =]

Mr. Asianboy said...

This is for Diablo666:

I liked how you were actually interested by your article because it made the summary and reflection you wrote so much better than if you hadn't liked your article.
I think you could have told us how big they actually were because i really want to know that.

This is for Pengu97:

I liked how you used so many details (even in your questions!).
I think you could have told us how they can see green and red though.

This is for Katy perry:

I liked how you used details in your summary like how you explained how they would help us with the "dirty bombs".
I think you could have said what a dirty bomb was like what damage it would do to New York.

sportboy said...

this is for diablo 666

you used alot of description and you told us
exactly where they are found but not everybody thinks spider webs are buetiful
and i wish i could know the name of the guy
who first became intrested.

sportboy said...

this is for yolanda figgle

i also think it is cool that a sugar pill could trick your
brain to cure itself. doctors should use it
for some occasions and what happens if someone is alergic and the person is already sick it will just give the doctors 2 times
the work

sportboy said...

oh and in my comment to yolanda figgle
it was suposed to say it will just give doctors 2 times the work

sportboy said...

this is for gigitygigitygigitygoalright 1234

i just wonder why you chose this article
and it is funny but cool that a bear played pumkin bascketball in his pool

curl the sheep said...

this is for eatsleepswim:
Your reflection made the article look really interesting but your spelling could use some work

this is for flaming wambat:
I like how you say the article gave the whole story but you could use just a tiny bit of work on spelling (check slackers)

this is for jimbojones446:
Your summary explained the article really well but your punctuation needs a little work

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