Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekly Science Article Report #2 - Period 6

For a reminder, here's what to do for this assignment:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?

Your report is due Friday here on the blog.

By Monday, you will post comments on the work of three other students. Your comments should include:
1) One thing you appreciated/liked about their report - something you think they did well.
2) One suggestion you have for how they might improve their work in the future.
As always, I look forward to reading your work.


FlowerPower said...

"From Science, Plenty of Cows but Little Profit"

By William Neuman

The New York Times September 29

The sex of cows can be decided before birth, now they are 90% certain that with each cow they will have a female (females give you more profit because they become dairy cows). You can choose the sex of the cow by dyeing the x and y chromosomes and a machine can tell the difference between the two because the x chromosome can hold more dye because they are larger.

I found it interesting because I did not know that you could do anything like in vitro fertilization in anything but humans. It sounds really cool that Washington is looking into if it would be safe to perform on humans. I think it would have been a better article if they focused more on one subject, like the science behind the cows, or the economic dairy crisis. It was a really interesting article because it tells you how they made the cows more likely to have females. It surprised me that they can tell a difference between the x and y chromosomes. It also surprised me how much of a difference in the dairy industry this has made. I think it would be interesting to learn more about if this is being done with other animals, like chickens on egg farms, and how it could possibly help bring in a profit for other industries. How long did it take for the scientists to figure out the difference between the x and y chromosomes and the trick with dyeing them to see which chromosome is which.

bestguyever said...

Weekly Science Article Report #2

1. The article is from Science News for Kids and is by Shingo Kajimura.

2. The article was about a new kind of fat found in the upper body called brown fat. Brown fat is a type of fat that is found in your upper body and is capable of burning excess energy. And also, scientists have found out you can possibly make it of different types of cells (like skin cells) and it could be used to treat diseases like obesity and diabetes.

3. I thought that the article was very good and very well written. I never knew about brown fat until I read this and I think that it is amazing it can burn excess energy. If they could use brown fat to help treat diseases like diabetes and obesity that would be great for a lot of people. There was some things I did not a like the article though. I thought it could have used more detail and maybe have been a little longer.

ktcoolio said...

Booze a lifesaver
by Kate Melville
This article is about the recent exploration of the effect of alcohol on trauma injuries. This is a very recent discovery, so scientists are still researching the topic and don’t know a lot yet.
I really liked this article because it intrigued me to read more right from the start. It was very interesting because all of our lives, we have heard about how terrible alcohol is to our health. This is saying that although alcohol is deadly, it can really help you survive serious trauma. A detailed study was conducted involving more than 8,000 trauma patients. Out of the 8,000 people with trauma, 7% of those who died were completely sober. Only 1% was intoxicated. This data shows that generally, less drunk or intoxicated people die from trauma than sober people. Still, the percentages of death were very small. So far, scientists believe that the reason alcohol helps you survive is because it chemically changes the way your body responds to the injury. It alters your body’s response in a way that can ensure survival. This is leading to the big question: could alcohol be used in the treatment of head trauma? I have a lot of other questions about this topic, which maybe haven’t even been answered by scientists yet. First of all, how does the alcohol change your body’s response? How could alcohol be used to treat trauma patients? If it could potentially treat them, what about other injuries and illnesses?

nyJETSfan 38 said...

By Laura Sanders
Web edition: Thursday, October 1st, 2009

Scientists have figured out that along with a low- protein diet, the average person may live longer because of the mitochondrion. This varies because of someone’s diet.

For me, this article was a bit long and “runny.” I gave a lot of information and was really descriptive. Over all, I liked this article. It was something that was really cool and interesting to me. The fact that people can live longer based on what they eat is peaty surprising to me. I am also surprised because something so small (the mitochondria) can make such a big difference in your life; like how long you live. What foods make you live longer? The article stated that a “low- protein diet” could make you live longer, what are some examples of some foods?

nyJETSfan 38 said...

Review for ktcoolio

After reading all 3 of the reports that are up on the blog, I have noticed that all of them are really deceptive and give me a really good overview of the article that they read. I especially like ktcoolios response. You did such a great job with describing the main points of the article. I can’t really relate to your topic because I’ve never been a trauma patient but I do think that your topic is really interesting. I would’ve never thought that alcohol would make it more likely that you survive an injury.

One thing that might improve their work is giving some more examples about your topic. You gave a lot of facts, but I was also left wondering about what else was in your article. You could’ve given some types of injuries that alcohol helps with. Great job though!

ktcoolio said...

review for nyJETSfan 38

I thought nyJETSfan 38 did a really good job. I like how you got straight to the point and described your topic in a simple way. That's really interesting how eating different things can help you live longer.
Like you, I would also like to know what foods can help you maintain a high-protein diet. To improve, I wouldv'e added a little bit about how or why the protein affects the mitochondria. I really liked your work.

RHCPfan911 said...

Weekly Science Article #2

Article: Two Monkeys See a More Colorful World
Author: Unidentified
Source: Science News For Kids

This article is about how scientists inject a virus into two squirrel monkeys, that holds the gene, that allows organisms to see red and green (squirrel monkeys are usually color blind of these colors). After 20 weeks of having the gene, it developed enough to let the monkeys see red and green.
I really liked this article because I am interested in how we can genetically change organisms. For instance, I once saw a special on TV about how scientists tried to genetically alter birds into becoming more similar to dinosaurs. It surprised me that the monkey experiment actually worked because it could maybe lead to curing human color-blindness and blindness. By the way the scientists performed their experiment, the article says, the monkeys might have just seen different shades of blue and yellow, not red and green. I wonder if there is a way that the scientists could make sure the monkeys were actually seeing red and green.

FlowerPower said...


Review bestguyever

Brown fat sounds really cool. You sound like you understand all that the article gave you. I like how you gave examples of how brown fat is formed and what it does, that helped me understand better.
I think it the topic sounds really interesting, but what kind of energy does it form? I think you could have been a little more descriptive though, I was left asking a lot of questions after I read your report.

Review ktcoolio

I really like the subject that you chose, the article sounds really interesting. I like how you ask questions and go into details of what was going on in the article, especially how you showed the percentages of people who were affected in the study.
In the future I think you could maybe add a little more of what you think. I really liked it.

Review RHCPfan911

I like how you chose a topic that interested you, that makes it more interesting to read your work. I think you did a good job of describing what went on in the article. I like how you wrote your report; it made what you read really clear.
In the future I would try to find out more about the topic, like how did the scientists figure out that a virus holds a gene that helps you see in red and green. I would also try and find out if it has ever been tried with humans.

sillyseekoo11 said...

Do Dust Particles Curb Climate Change?
ScienceDaily (Oct. 7, 2009)
Adapted from materials provided by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

This article is mainly about how scientists and biologists have researched about climate change, and an interesting thing that they have come upon in their research is how they think that these solid or liquid particles, or dust particle that are called aerosols, enlarge the cloud cover in the earth, and due to this, it curbs or limits climate warming.

I thought that the article was actually pretty interesting. There were a lot of things that I learned from it too. When I was searching online to try and find a story, and came to the website, science daily, I just looked through all the articles that they had on the front page to see if I could find anything appealing. When I looked through the list of articles that they had, I came across this story, and it really caught my eye. At first, I thought it had something to do with climate change, but when I went deeper in it, I realized how it was something different. I find out that little dust particles in our worlds’ atmosphere, actually has something to do with limiting climate change. Although I realize that this is just something that scientists are researching right now, and is a theory, I still found it interesting because I didn’t know that there was anything out there that can limit global warming, except for us humans, ourselves.

There were a lot of things that interested me about this story. The one thing that surprised me about the article was how dust particles could actually limit the effect of global warming. When I first came across this story, it really amazed me. The information that was included in this article was also very interesting. It says how the aerosols are viewed as climate coolers, which make up in part for the heating up of the earth by greenhouse gases. The dust particles, in a way, help recover the damage that we humans have made to the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. It also says how, the more aerosol particles that suspend in the clouds, the more drops of water are formed. The aerosols prevent the cloud from raining out and extend its lifetime, which then leads the clouds to cover the earth’s surface, and protect us from the heat of the sun that causes global warming. However, it also says how the stronger molecules like carbon dioxide that cause climate change, are harder to limit. Scientists that were interviewed in this article have said that they have to focus more on the cloud systems and understand them better, to help them also understand the effects that aerosols have on climate change. There are scientists that think that they have to research the cloud systems on which aerosols have the greatest influence. He suggests that they should start with the common types of clouds like cumulus clouds that cover almost 40% of the global seas.

After reading this article, there are a few questions that I have that weren’t addressed in the story. One is, how can clouds, that are so thin-like affect the amount of climate change? Also, how can aerosols form water drops in the clouds? When was this story about aerosols first noticed from scientists and researchers? How can the aerosols eliminate the harmful gases like carbon dioxide, if they already exist in the air?

bestguyever said...

Blog comments

I liked nyJETSfan 38’s topic for there blog report. It was an interesting topic but, the blog report could have used more detail.

I liked ktcoolio’s report because it was a very interesting topic and good information. But I don’t think you should have written those questions in that report. They were good questions but they didn’t need to be there.

I thought sillyseeko11’s report was really good. It had a bunch of information and facts to support it. I just thought it was a little too straight forward.

nyJETSfan 38 said...

Review for RHCPfan911

I think RHCPfan911 did a really good job describing your article and getting right down to the facts. I also thought that your topic was really cool. I never would of thought that cretin types of monkeys couldn’t see red and blue. One thing that I think you need to improve on is staying on topic; at one point in your review you went off topic and started talking about something that you saw on TV. Good work!

input said...

My article is about scientists that successful allowed two squirrel monkeys, named Sam and Dalton, to detect red and green by using gene therapy.

I found this article very interesting because I always thought it would be cool if one day we could cure genetic diseases like color blindness using gene therapy, and it appears like this experiment just led us one step closer. It also answered my questions about how do we see colors instead of just outlines in black and white.

I do have a few questions about this article. The scientists asked other scientists if they thought the experiment would work and they all said it was not possible. (Aren’t scientists supposed to be open to new ideas?) Also, the article said they weren’t sure if the monkeys’ brain could handle the new colors, but for some reason they were able to identify red and green just fine, even though most male squirrel monkeys are colorblind.

Though the monkeys seem to be able to pick out red and green, the scientists still aren’t sure that they are seeing red and green maybe there just seeing different shades of blue and yellow. I thought you would like to know that.

Input out!

nyJETSfan 38 said...

Review for bestguyever

I think that you did a great job giving an overview about your article. I also really liked you topic, and thought it was cool. Not only were you descriptive, you also got right down to the facts. One thing that I thought you could’ve done better was give some more examples of how brown fat can be used. Great job!

RNGRSofNY said...

Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms Discovered
By Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

The article was about how scientists identified a species of mushrooms, Mycena luxaeterna, found in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Later discovered, that these mushrooms can be found in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and even Japan. The mushrooms glow a yellow-green light 24 hours a day. But during the day, they do not glow strong enough so that we can see them through the sunlight.

I liked the article. Not really because of it’s structure, but what it was about. I wasn’t surprised that something like glowing mushrooms was discovered, because scientists find something new almost every day. I didn’t like the way the article was structured because it only really gave the “light” report. Not like it would have meant much to me if I had known it, but it would have been nice to have known what specifically made the mushrooms grow, if anything. I was interested in the article but not surprised. I kept reading because I thought that the article would say more about it’s reasoning not just about its appearance. They gave how big it was but didn’t give what made it glow. I was a little disappointed, but satisfied at the same time. My most obvious question is what makes it glow, but also stuff like, why don’t we have the mushrooms in New York? Or do we? Does the climate have an impact?

RNGRSofNY said...

Your report was extremely detailed. You drowned me with information, and I like that. After reading your report, I learned a lot, a I have the same question as you; how do aerosols form water drops in clouds?

I think it’s really cool how people can fertilize eggs a special way to change/make the sex. You did a good job explaining your stance, like, if people could perform that on people. I know I can just read the article myself, but I would have liked if you gave more in your summary.

nyJETSfan 38,
Your report was a bit short, but in your report it shows that you tried. You even said it was “runny”, so I especially understand if you scanned or just skipped over a few unimportant parts.

7200gummybears said...

I read Scientists discover massive ring around Saturn. I found it on The author was not stated. It was about a newly discovered ring that is super huge. Also, about how this ring may be connected to the coloring of one of Saturn’s moons.
I thought the article was really cool. I liked it because I have never read an article about something in space before; so it was new experience. The thing that most surprised me was the fact that the ring is almost invisible. This was because the ice and dust particles are very far apart from each other. Anne Verbiscer said “if you were to stand in the ring, you wouldn’t even know it.” My first question is, how did they discover it and why did it take this many years? My second question is, did they find it on accident while trying to find something else?

twilightisasgoodaspotter said...

The Solar System’s Biggest Junkyard by Stephen Ornes
This article is about how there is too much junk in space. The article says how it is dangerous for us to launch things into space because everything travels so fast, and has so much momentum.
I really liked this article because it was really interesting that we can track things we can’t even see. I think you would have to be really good at mathematics and physics to do this job. If someone messes up one number, a piece of junk could hit a satellite, destroying it, and then the satellite cannot do what it was supposed to do. In this article, they compare tracking pieces of junk in outer space to sports. I think they should compare it to something else, because in sports, you can see what’s coming at you. I would like to know more about how they track the pieces, and about how they would move a satellite if a huge piece of junk was flying at it and it was an important satellite.

offthelist818 said...

Rocket Smash Could Find Moon’s Water Ice, Expert Says
Science Daily LLC

The article was about us sending a rocket up to have an impact with the moon in search of water. They have found hydrogen in the soil which can be found with water. The article showed how something as little as water to us is a big deal on different planets. The way they will look for water in the moon with a rocket which would be like 2 tons of TNT to us. I liked the article because it was cool to think that big for a moment that this may be a starting point for deeper exploration of are universe. They were talking about this huge rocket hitting the moon and they don’t fear the damage which was weird to me. They talk about how it will only make another crater and they show for how the moon has been hit many times by asteroids and things. I wonder still how this would be done to find the spot to hit which will show us water. I think about all the research that had to be done to figure all this variables out and what will happen if they miss that spot on the moon.

RHCPfan911 said...

(For Weekly Science Article #2)

1. nyJETSfan 38

This reporter did a very good job of describing what surprised them in the article and why it did. They could explain more about why they liked the article and how it was interesting.

2. ktcoolio

This reporter structured their reflection very well. When reading it, it didn’t sound like they were writing from an outline. It sounded like they were expressing their thoughts by typing them up. I think that they could have explained about the experiment and how the data was collected.

3. bestguyever

I liked how bestguyever expressed what he/she learned from the article, in detail. He/She could have made their summary more structured and simpler. It seemed all over the place to me.

ktcoolio said...


I thought your reflection was SUPER!! you put so much detail and effort into it. I think you did a really nice job. I think it's really interesting how such a tiny little thing (dust particle) could have such a big impact on the earth. I thought at some parts it was a little confusing tho.


I really liked what you wrote, because it is detailed but not too long, and it gets straight to the point. That's very interesting how you wouldn't be able to know if you were standing in Saturn's ring. One thing you could've been more detailed about was when it was discovered.

Jan Straßer said...


This article is by the British Department for Transportation as part of their Think! program for road safety. This article concerns drunk driving (called drink driving in the UK). It says that if you are two times over the limit, you are 30 times more likely to cause an accident on the road. It also says that no matter HOW much you drink, your driving will still be affected. Every person has their OWN limit, based on weight, sex, age, metabolism, and other factors. The best thing to do is not to drink, PERIOD.

I REALLY liked this article because it tells everything you need to know about drunk driving in a single bite. It also has tips and links, and nifty resources as well. There is also a page on the same sight where you can get info on driving under the influence of drugs. I thought the fact that ANY amount of alcohol can affect your driving was suprising. Even more suprising was the fact that going twice the limit makes you 30 TIMES more likely to crash. I have NO questions whatsoever.

Jan Straßer said...

Post Reviews


I like the article you chose, and now I know why most cows I see seem to be female. I liked the summary, and I had no trouble understanding what you said. What I don't like though, is that the Government is seeing if dabbling in messing with sex chromosomes in humans is safe. Ugh. A bad idea. Aside from that, the review was perfect.


I love this. Who would of thought that there is a body fat that can put diabetes and obesity to rest?! The article was very clear, too. Keep up the good work.


Whiskey + 300HP = the keys to the Pearly Gates. We all know this for a fact (see my article), but if you suffer from trauma and you're intoxicated, you have a better chance of survival? Very ironic! Nice work with the details, too! I liked it!

xxsir<3sevxx said...

The article I read was called “Why do I yawn?”
The author is unknown

This article talks about why people yawn and what it does for our body when we yawn.

I wanted to read this article because I had been told that people yawn because they aren’t getting enough oxygen to their brain, and I wanted to find out if this was really true. I discovered through my research that what I had been told was partly true. Many people have theories about why animals yawn, but no one really knows for sure. The article said that a very common theory about why people yawn is what my friend had told me, but I was surprised to find out that when scientists researched they discovered that breathing more oxygen doesn’t always decrease yawning. I was also surprised by the fact that the author really believed that yawning is contagious. At the end of the article it had said “If you yawn in class, you'll probably notice a few other people will start yawning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning. How many times have you yawned while reading this article? We hope not many!” When I read that sentence I realized that I had yawned several times while reading the article without even realizing it.
Once I had finished reading I was still wondering why people yawn, because the article wasn’t really all that helpful. Some of the questions I have are:
Would scientists be able to find out why people actually do yawn for sure if they researched the topic more?
Is yawning an involuntary reflex or can we control it?
Would our lungs really collapse if we didn’t yawn?

twilightisasgoodaspotter said...

Review for bestguyever :
I liked how you phrased your sentences. You had a lot of good thoughts, opinions, and discoveries. To improve this reflection, I would have asked questions. I also would have given an example of how they could use more detail in the article.

Review for RHCPfan911:
I really liked the description you gave. It was very detailed and I could tell you worked hard. To improve this reflection, I would rephrase the sentences to make them clearer. Some of the sentences were kind of confusing.

Review for sillyseekoo11:
I really liked the amount of detail you put in this reflection. I also really liked the questions you posed in the end. It was kind of boring for me to read this reflection though, because it was so long, and I’m not really that interested in this subject.

abcd said...

How Avalanches Work
By Tracy V. Wilson
In my article it explains how avalanches happen, how people prevent it and what to do if you get trapped.
I really liked my article avalanches have always interested me. They really interest me because I love to ski and I hear avalanche stories all the time and they always make me wonder why it happened. Something that surprised me was that unlike all of the cartoons yelling doesn’t trigger an avalanche it usually takes a skier to dislodge the snow and cause an avalanche. I really didn’t have any questions of the article it was very detailed and nicely written and described.

cookiemonster11 said...

Tiny 'nuclear batteries' unveiled

I read about researchers creating a penny sized "nuclear battery".
I liked this article because it was interesting to think about after you read it. For example, a penny sized nuclear battery? Thats not something you hear about everyday. One question I have about this article is how could you make a "nuclear battery" the size of a penny. I have seen small batteries but not a penny. Another interesting thing i learned was that these batteries hold a million times as much charge as standard batteries.

germsareicky830 said...

1) The title was Greener Diet. The authors name was not motioned. The article was from Science News for Kids.

2) My article was about how what you eat can affect the planet. Making meats is causing green house gases and is not helping out with global warming.

A) I thought that the article was very informing and very interesting. I liked the article because I learned a lot of things from it that I never knew before.
b) The thing that interested me was how when someone makes a hamburger, it affects the earth by putting a bunch carbon dioxide in the air. The thing that surprised me was that the process of making a half-pound all-beef burger adds the equivalent of about 19 times that hamburger’s weight in carbon dioxide. I never knew that just eating beef could be so bad for the environment.
c) A question that I have is why does making an all-beef burger send off more carbon dioxide the chicken or pork? Another question that I have is why is it only beef? Why doesn’t any other food send off as much green house gases?

Bigsnow said...

My article is titled: Dogs smell cancer in patients' breath, study shows
By Stefan Lovgren
This article explains how in a recent study, dogs can smell cancer in a patients' breath. They only need about 2 weeks of training and basically every household dogs can do it.

I really liked this article because not only do I love dogs, but i recently knew someone who passed away from lung cancer. In the article, it explains how lung and breast cancer patients' are proven to show patterns of biochemical markers in their breath, which dogs amazing scent can pick up.

What interested me in this article was that any household dog can do this spectacular task, and with only TWO WEEKS OF TRAINING. We should definitely in my opinion be raising more dogs to do this, because we will then diagnose cancer quicker with patients', thus being more successful with chemotherapy.

One question that I have about the article is how early can the dogs smell cancer. The author is not as clear about this part than all the other sections of the article.

What I would like to know more about this article is exactly why cancer cells emit different metabolic waste products than normal cells, which gives cancer it's distinct smell. Also, why can't dogs smell other types of cancer.
Overall I loved this article. Keep up the good work Mr. Lovgren.

p.s. by accident, i posted this on peiod five too. If you graded this already,(right now it's friday 8th period), please excuse because did this on time.

abcd said...


1. offthelist818
I really liked this article it was really interesting I also thought it was cool that it doesn’t affect the moon. You could have gone into more depth about what they’re going to do after it.

2. RHCPfan911
I thought it was interesting that monkeys are color blind to those colors. You could have gone into more depth about the experiment.

3. twilightisasgoodaspotter
I liked how you criticized the article. I thought you could have said more about what was happening to the junk.

Bigsnow said...

1. Cookiemonster11
I liked this post because it was an interesting topic and they were right, you don’t hear about a nuclear sized battery everyday. He/she definitely could’ve written more about the article, and reflected more about it. A little too undisruptive for me.

2. FlowerPower
I thought flowerpower did a great job picking an interesting article. I really wanted to read it just after the review. I mean, changing the sex of cow before it’s born? It’s very interesting. The only thing I would recommend is to have explained more about how it affects the dairy industry, but great job.

3. sillyseekoo11
Whoah. Lots of info there. Silly, you sure put a lot of dedication into this one. It’s a great topic, and there is a lot to write about. The only problem is that once I got to like the third paragraph, you began to lose me. It’s a lot to swallow you know? Buty great job. Congrats.

7200gummybears said...

abcd: I thought it was good that you chose an article that corresponded with your hobbies. I think you could have expanded more on what your thoughts were.

RHCPfan911: I liked how you compared the article to something else. I think you could have included more questions.

germsareicky830: I thought you asked really good questions. Next time you should expand on what some of the things you learned are.

xxsir<3sevxx said...


I really liked the fact that you chose an article that you can relate to and I thought it was really interesting. I also liked the thoughts you had about what we can do to make chemotherapy more successful.

I think you can improve by asking more questions about the article or expanding more on each of your specific questions.

xxsir<3sevxx said...


I thought the article you read seemed interesting and your summary gave a nice overview of it. Your choice especially interested me because I didn't have any knowledge of this topic before reading your reflection. In order for you to improve for next time I would just suggest that you incorporate more of your own opinion into your reflection.

xxsir<3sevxx said...


I really liked your response because I could see that you put a lot of thinking into it. Your questions were similar to the questions I would have had if I chose that article. I think that next time you're writing a reflection you should try to shorten it and take out things that may be unnecessary, but otherwise your reflection was one of the best I read.

sillyseekoo11 said...

1) Review for: ktcoolio

GREAT article ktcoolio!! It was very interesting to read, and it seemed like you put a lot of thought into it. I thought that your topic was interesting. Your article seemed like it had a lot of information, and you did a good job explaining it. First of all, your topic surprised me because I never thought that alcohol could have any possible effect on trauma injuries. That really shocked me. I also liked how you included a lot of statistics, because it really helped me understand the concept of your topic better. I thought that your questions were great, and I also had some of the same questions after reading your article.

One small thing that I would have changed was to split the paragraph that talked about the questions you had, from your reflection, just so that it would have made you reflection more organized and easier to read. Other than that, I thought that you did a fantastic job!

sillyseekoo11 said...

2) Review for: xxsir<3sevxx

I thought that your article was really good, and I also thought that your topic was very interesting. I think that it was funny how you yawned while you were reading the article. I found the facts that you included in you article very interesting, and some even surprised me. I also thought that your questions were really good and I was thinking the same ones. It was a good idea to add the quote too.

Something that I might have added would have been to include a little bit more information about why people yawn in the first place. That would’ve been a small thing that I would have added, but I still think that you did a really nice job on your reflection!

sillyseekoo said...

3) Review for: nyJETSfan 38

I think that you had a very interesting topic. I also liked how you gave your honest opinion about how you thought the article was really long and “runny.” I think it is amazing how the mitochondria can make a difference on how long you live too. I never really took that into consideration before. Your questions about the article were kind of like the same ones I thought of after reading your response.

Something that I would have added would have been a little bit more information that you took from the article you read. You might have added something on how a low-protein diet could help you live longer and go more in depth in the topic. However, I think you did a great job in your response.

cookiemonster11 said...

ktcoolio: Your article was really interesting to read because I didnt know anything about this topic. One suggestion I would make is to add more of your opinion in it.

xxsir<3sevxx: I thought this article was interesting because when I would think about it I would yawn, it was funny. I would have added a little more on why people yawn.

nyJETSfan 38: I thought is was good that you gave your honest opinion on the topic. I would add a little bit of more information about the article and not your opinion, but I still like it very much.

germsareicky830 said...

Review bestguyever: I thought that you picked a really cool topic. I liked how you said what you didn’t like about the article. I also liked how you didn’t babble on about things we didn’t need to know, you just when right down to the facts. After I read you’re summery, I was a little confused. You should make yourself a little bit clearer.

Review nyJETSfan 38: When I read you’re summery, it just made me want to read on. I also liked how you compared something as big a life its self to something so small like the mitochondria. I think that you should be a little bit more conscious of repeating yourself.

Review 7200gummybears: I liked your second question very much. It seems like you put a lot of thought into your questions. I also liked how you put a quote in your blog. I think that you should’ve told us how long ago this ring was found and approximately how big it is.

ALIS22 said...

-Henry Fountain
-New York Times

A student from Villanova University was studying a jumping spider on an acacia plant. The plant was covered in ants, and he noticed that instead of eating all the ants, the spider shook them off and started eating the leaves of the plant.
In the article, I liked how the student who was watching the spider was expecting something other than what was discovered.
I think it is weird that almost every spider known to man catches bugs in their web and kills and eats them. But then we find out that this one spider eats the leaves on a plant... not the bugs. I wonder... what if the student was studying a different spider, or a different species, how long until we would know about its eating habits then? I also wonder if there are any other spiders that are vegetarians.

ALIS22 said...

Review FlowerPower:
I think you had an interesting topic, and you seemed to know a lot about it. The questions and opinions you had were interesting. I think you should have explained more about how they decide the sex.

Review ktcoolio:
That is not something you would expect to hear. We learn that we should never drink alcohol, and how it is only bad for us, but now they are telling us that it could save our life. You had a lot of good opinions about it, but I think you could have given more examples.

Review bigsnow:
I'm intrigued that you wrote about this topic because I have heard that before. I think they can smell it before it is too late, but I dont know how early. I think you should discuss more how they train the dogs.

Dj Hammers said...

ALIS22’s review:
I think that you had a very interesting article. I really liked how it explained everything and left nothing to the reader to figure out. It clearly followed the requirements while also being interesting to read. However, I think that the author could provide a link to the article, as maybe there was a picture or other form of media included with the article.

Abcd’s Review:
I really like how you describe your connections to the article. It’s very interesting how everything fits together. However, I think you can improve on the article by including a short summary of what it is about.

Ktcoolio’s Review:
I think that your post was very interesting to read, and taught me a lot about the connection between trauma and alcohol. I think that the summary was very interesting, however it was a bit too long and contained some excess information.

offthelist818 said...

I liked how you picked a very interesting article. I think you could have added more about the reactions of the spider.

Flower power
I like how you talked about why they do what they do that a female cow brings in more profit. I think you may have said what other animals they try that on.

I never thought of alcohol helping people and how most people say bad stuff about it. I think you could have talked about what kind of trauma and how sever it was.

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