Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Scrapbook

As we discussed in class, the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a catastrophe for that ecosystem.

To help with our study of Ecology, I am asking that you put together a scrapbook of articles that report on what happened, what effects these events are having, and what is being done to clean up the mess.

Here are some things to keep in mind:
1. The scrapbook can be real or digital (or a combination).
2. You can add other articles that help us to make sense of what is happening. For example, you can compare this spill to other oil spills. You can also report on what this ecosystem was like before the oil spill.
3. There are awards in the following categories:
a. Most number of articles
b. Most useful and detailed scrapbook
c. Most creative

Have fun. I look forward to seeing your work.

This is due this Monday, June 7th.


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