Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekly Science Article Report #7 - Period 5

Since we are still working to Visualize Molecules, I want you to focus on molecules in your Weekly Science Article Report this week.

Find some article that deals with molecules and do our usual thing.

For a reminder, here's what to do for this assignment:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?
4) Comments. You are going to comment on the work of at least three other students.

All of this is due by Friday.
Have fun!


ChickenNikeSoup said...

Title: What are organic molecules
Author: I couldn't find it
Where I found it:

The article talks about how organic molecules create living things It also explained that organic molecules are different than inorganic molecules because organic molecules contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids which inorganic molecules do not contain.

I liked the article because it made me understand that I am made of organic molecules. I was interested that organic molecules are the only thing that can create as we humans know it. The one HUGE question I have is; if organic molecules individual are not alive, then how can they create life. And also, how do the molecules that make up your brain let you think.

I would like to read or research more about why things that organic molecules contain create life.

ChickenNikeSoup said...

The last comment had a few errors in it. This is the right one:

Title: What are organic molecules
Author: I couldn't find it
Where I found it:

The article talks about how organic molecules create living things. It also explained that organic molecules are different than inorganic molecules because organic molecules contain carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids which inorganic molecules do not contain.

I liked the article because it made me understand that I am made of organic molecules. I was interested that organic molecules are the only thing that can create life as we humans know it. The one HUGE question I have is; if organic molecules individualy are not alive, then how can they create life. And also, how do the molecules that make up your brain let you think.

I would like to read or research more about why things that organic molecules contain create life.

ilovechesecakeyesido97 said...

I read an article called “Carbohydrates” by Anthony Carpi, Ph.D. Its about the carbohydrate molecular structure, and other things about carbohydrates. I found it on a site called I really liked the article because it also told me about how the body processes carbohydrates. I learned what they do for us in more depth. I really liked the article. I learned a lot more about carbohydrates. It was cool to learn about what they do for us and where they travel in the body. I really didn’t know all of this stuff about molecules or macromolecules until I read this. We have to use them in fairly large quantities it says. We need them to survive. I also learned about other different types of macromolecules, like proteins, lipids etc. I really liked the article. I would like to know more about macromolecules.

ilovepickles4ever said...

Title: Glucose
Author: Wikipedia
Where I found it:

1. Glucose is very common and much needed. It is the most common carbohydrate. It is also known as a grape sugar, a blood sugar, or corn sugar. It is used in candies and in our bodies. Glucose is one of the main products of photosynthesis and starts cellular respiration in both prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, and protists). Glucose comes from the word glukus, gluc meaning sweet, and ose which denotes a sugar. Glucose,( C6H12O6 ) contains 6 carbon atoms.
2. I liked this article very much. It interested me a lot because I love candy, and I love sugar. I never knew where the word glucose came from, and now I do. I did not know glucose was a main carbohydrate, I thought carbohydrates and glucose were totally different things. It surprised me that glucose was found in bodies, and it was a main product of photosynthesis. I do not have any questions.
3. This is for: ChickenNikeSoup: I thought your article was very interesting. You had very good detail, and it made me really think, and it was very clear to me what organic molecules were. Your questions were also very good.
This is for, I love cheesecakeyesido97. I liked you article a lot. I liked how I learned things I didn't know before. Carbohydrates are very interesting.
This is for xoxopicklelover. I liked your article a lot. I didn't know about how genetic snip its(micro RNA's) can prevent diseases. Thank's for this information. It was very interesting and useful.

spots101 said...

1. Name: Acetaminophen
Author: Karl Harrison
Where I found it: I found it myself

2. This article talks about how acetaminophen i1s used in Tylenol to kill migraines and head aces. It completely absorbs, that’s why it is so easy to swallow and kill your sickness.
3. a. I really liked this article because it made me really interested that this medicine is so important. I was really interested because I had no idea that, that molecule was in Tylenol.
b. What surprised me and things that I liked about this article is that first of all I thought it was pretty cool that it won molecule of the month in 2003. I also thought that it was cool that right when you swallow it, it dissolves. I thought that was cool.
c. One question I have about this article is what makes it dissolve so easily in your stomach. My article did not. My article did not mention that.

xoxopicklelover said...

Argonautes: A Big Turn-Off for Proteins
From science

The article was quite interesting. John Hopkins scientists might have figured out how genetic snippets called microRNAs are able to shut down the workings of some proteins. They say it is very important to know more about genes because the more that scientists know about genes the blueprints for proteins can be regulated. They have a better chance of preventing diseases including cancer!

a) I really like the article. Cancer is a horrible thing and the fact that we are onto something that may one day find a cure to this horrible disease.

b) It really interested me because it’s amazing that we can discover these things about microscopic molecules. They have to make assumptions for they can never exactly see what going on inside the body with their own two eyes.

c) I don’t have any questions about the article. I found it highly interesting.

timeblazer42 said...

I read about fats on The page had different information but I only read about fats. The article said that fats are produced by organic processes in animals. They also say that fats are insoluble (can’t be dissolved) in water and have a density below water (they float on water). Above all, this was pretty interesting. I never knew that fats float on water.

C.96.M.27.K.12 said...

1.) The title of my article was “Using Heat to Destroy and Kill Microbes” and it was written by Tami Port. I found it at
2.) This article was about how high temperatures can kill organic molecules. It was also about how cells, molecules, and viruses can be altered by heat.
3.) A) I liked this article. I thought it was very informational, but yet it was short. I also liked that I had never even heard heat could kill organic molecules. I had thought that heat only kills viruses/germs.
B) Two things surprised me about this article. The first thing that I was surprised about was that heat does not only kill things it also alters them. I found out that heat alters cells and membranes. The second thing I was surprised about was that heat also damages proteins and nucleic acids.
C) My only question is why exactly does heat kill these molecules. I would like to know more about the overall concept of heat killing molecules, viruses, etc.

C.96.M.27.K.12 said...

This is for timeblazer42...
I liked thst what you wrote was short but told me what I needed to know. I liked how you choose the important facts of your article, like fats float on water

This is for spots101...
I liked that you wrote a lot, and your writting was very informational. I thought your topic was very interesting.

This is for ilovepickles4ever...
I liked how you compared your article to how you like sugar/candy (glucose) in real life. It sounds like you took a lot of time to look at all the information in your article.

dashygurl101 said...

Title:Micro RNAs Can Turn Genes Off
By: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

I think this had a lot of information. It's about RNA's. Thery are like your mailman.(Well that's what i think of them as.) They're the little messengers in your brain. It has micro RNA. It carrys from the DNA to the ribosomes. And then it produces protein.

I liked this article because it was very short. But it had the most information that about seven sentences can hold.(Well i think that.)Nothing really surprised me, but the fact that, that is how your body makes protein. I don't have exact questions, but i would love to learn more about RNA.

That is my blog! Hoped you liked it! (I did!)

dashygurl101 said...

This is for C.96.M.27.K.12: I liked how it was not too short or too long. I had every thing i really wanted to know about how heat can effect everything. I would love to go deeper ion that topic.

This is for timeblazer42:
I think yours was a little too short. I would of liked it if you said more. But i liked the end- that fat floats.

This is for ilovechesecakeyesido97:
This was fine legnth. It was informatinal. I liked how you really sound like you know this very good.

stitchlover said...

1. Physical Enviroment: Molecules
By Time Crystal, found on Google

2. My article was about where molecules came from.

3. I didn't really like the article. I think it focused too much on the backrounds and color, rather than the actual article.
What surprised me is that molecules came from space. I originally thought that they came after the earth was made... on earth.
I don't have any questions at all...

stitchlover said...

This is for Dashygurl101...
I liked your post!!! Short and simple. Classic.

This is for timeblazer42...
I didn't really like yours. You forgot the questions and it was sort of hard to read...

This is for xoxopicklelover...
I liked how you did your post!!! It was easy to read!!! Good Job!!!

ChickenNikeSoup said...

This is for dashygurl101...

I liked your comment. You could have left a couple words out that were not needed. It was a little unclear about how proteins are made but I think you did well.

This is to C.96.M.27.K.12...

I definately agree with you that this topic would be something interesting and I may want to check that out. I was not so sure what you ment when you said that heat can alter cells, molecules, and viruses because you didn't quite explain it. But good comment!

This is to stitchlover...

I think yours was definitely a little too short. You didn't explain much about the article and also, I'm sure you could have thought of at least one question.

RolexJoe said...

Kids Now Getting “adult” Disease
By Emily Sohn

This article was about the two types of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) and how it is increasing at an alarming rate. A decade ago, type 2 was called “adult-onset” because children used to not get it. This disease used to be only seen in adults, it shocked many people when children got it

The digestive system breaks down what we eat into different parts like proteins, fats, and glucose (our body’s main fuel). Diabetes is a disease where sugar can’t get from the bloodstream into the cells. A hormone or a messenger molecule called insulin is responsible for the glucose to convert into energy.

• Type 1 is when the body stops producing insulin.
• Type 2 is when your body makes insulin but do not use it properly.

I enjoyed reading this article because it was interesting and I got find out more about diabetes. The thing that interested me were the effects the disease could give you, for example blurred vision. What surprised me was that there was no cure; I thought that with today’s advanced medicine, this disease would have been eradicated by now.

The article says that certain ethnic groups (American Indians, Hispanics, and African Americans) are at higher risk of getting diabetes and genes and the environment plays a role. I would like to know if scientists or doctors did a study to compare an ethnic group living in different parts of the world to test how the environment may or may not trigger diabetes. For example, Hispanics living in America, Spain or South America.

Why are children getting diabetes now? Why is it increasing at an alarming rate? I would also like to know more about why adults who have type 2 tend to be obese.

miss0892 said...

New article was called New Material Sops up Radioactive Cesium, by Lisa Grossman. Found here:
The article was about a molecule that can trap the element cesium, which is produced from nuclear power plants. The article said that usually cesium escapes back into the environment, but this molecule traps it and never lets it back out. It also seemed to trap cesium but not other ions with the same charge.
I liked it because I thought it was interesting, and also very optimistic. I was like “Yay! We might have a future now!” but not. No, I thought, though, that it was really cool to see how molecules could be so important, and how they could make such a big impact. I sort of new that from before, but it was different because it was a real life example.
I was surprised at how almost perfect the molecule was for trapping cesium. I thought it was so cool how it just trapped cesium and not other molecules.
I want to learn more about how they could use it, and if it might actually be used. I think it would be really cool if we did really use it though, provided it works. So I want to find out more about if it could actually work.

ilovechesecakeyesido said...

this is for xoxopicklelover. It was really cool to learn about microRNA's. I didn't know that certain genes could prevent cancer. good job.

this is for ilovepickles4ever. I didn't know so much about glucose until I read your comment. I now know a lot more about how much we need it to live and have energy. I think that you did a great job.

eye8AburgerJR said...

I read an interesting article about molecules. In the article it told me about the size and what molecules and what they are made of. Molecules are made up of two or more atoms. Some of the molecules are made of the same elements. And some of the molecules are of different elements. When the molecule is made of certain different kinds of elements it causes chemical reactions. The periodic table is a table of elements and their atomic number. There are one-hundred and eighteen elements in the table total. A macro-molecule is a big molecule compared to others. It only has four types(Lipid, Protein, Nucleic Acid, Carbohydrates)

Labrat 51 said...

The name of the article I found is called The Molecule Journey. I found it on which is another blog.

This was an interesting article but it was more like a story. It's a story about a little molecule. The molecule grows up in a place and enjoys growing up but then gets bored and explores all the other molecules like bird molecules and water molecules. Eventually this little molecule goes back to his home and it turns out he was living in a tree.

I thought that this article was very cute also it mentioned that he made friends with a water molecule and it gave him a necklace with a picture of it. I think that kind of represents bonding of molecules and that they are hard to separate once they are together. When i first read it i was surprised that it wasn't a real fact to fact article but i liked it anyways. I would like to know why this person chose to do a story about a little molecule.

xoxopicklelover said...

This is for ilovepickles4ever
I really liked your article! it was easy to read and was enjoyable and not at all dull. I didn't know much about glucose but now i do! i also really liked how you made the link to it in candy. That made me understand it much better and have a real life example of the things its used in. good job!

this is for sports101
wow, i never knew that about medicine either. I have always wondered how medicine works. i never knew that it was a molecule! i really enjoyed reading your post. It was well written, informative and enjoyable! good job!

this is for C.96.M.27.K.12
i really like your post. I didn't know what sorts of things could effect organic molecules. Your post was easy to read and very informative. I like being able to read a post and understand and take in every word. good job!

labrat 51 said...

This comment is for C.96.M.27.K.12. I think your article was very well written, I liked the fact that you had it very well organized and it was very informative. I got a lot of information on that topic without even needing to read the article.

This comment is for timeblazer42. Wow, i never knew fats could float on water! I also like how you didn't do a whole long report on 10 different things but how you just focused on fats.

This comment is for ChickenNikeSoup. I have the same questions as you do. How do they let us think? And what is it about how they are put together that makes them living? I think your questions are very good and thought through.

RolexJoe said...


I thought it was a cool topic. I always wondered why oil or fat floats on top of soup or liquid. Your brief summary was okay, but you could have elaborated more on the details. It lacked information for questions.


I thought your article was very interesting. I knew that heat killed things but I never knew that heat could alter things. I thought you did a good job; it was also a good length.


I thought your article was about an interesting topic but you did not provide adequate information for the reader to get an idea of what the article was about. I think you could improve on the length and description of your summary.

timeblazer42 said...

This is for ChickenNikeSoup:
Good review and you had an interesting question.

This is for dashygurl101:
I think that you explained RNA pretty good.

This is for C.96.M.27.K.12
You had an interasting question.

Kyla said...

I found my article at
Name: Physics of Ice and Water
Author: Albert Burchsted

My article was based on water molecules and how water and ice are really different. And how when water starts to freeze the molecules can't move as much as when the water is less cool and the molecules can move freely past each other.

I thought this article was more complex and a little bit harder to understand than other articles. I did like this article because even though it was complex it had a lot of information in it and when I read it I got what the article was saying.
I wasn't that surprised about the article because I have heard other people talking about it.
I do not have any questions on the article that I read it answered all of my questions.

Kyla said...

miss0892: I really liked how you expressed your response it had your own touch in it and I like how you put you in it.

Labrat 51: I think that it is really cool to read a story on a molecule who had a story. I have a question though, did you learn anything about molecules?

RolexJoe: I liked your response but why are younger kids getting it? Is it because obesity or their race? Why are there only a few races that have a higher risk?

Summer09 said...

1. The name of my article I found was "Hubble Finds First Organic Molecule On Extrasolar Planet." The author was unknown and and I got it from Science Daily (

2. The article I read was about how a telescope called the Hubble Space Telescope found methane in the atmosphere. It stated that under the right circumstances methane takes a key part in the chemical reaction to form life.

3.a)I enjoyed the article because I hadn't heard of the topic until now. It was interesting to know that there could be sometime in the future there could be living organisms in the atmosphere.
b) I was surprised that I hadn't heard about it before. I would have thought that it would have been broadcasted more. It also interested me because its fascinating to know that in some time there could be other living things in the universe.
c) I don't have any questions. I would like to know more about what happens and wish they would broadcast it more so I could be informed about what happens.

CrazyCurls said...

1) The article I found is called:
"Letting Molecules Do The Work," by Douglas Fox.
I found this article at:

2) This article is mainly about how carfully built electric circuits can build themselves, or sef-assembly. For example, imagine a frying pan after you have used it to cook somthing using oil. You put water into the pan, and little water droplets form. This happens because of the water molecule's reaction to the oil molecule, and is a type of self assembly. Scientists are currently working on experiments that have to do with self-assembly that they hope will help deal with the challenges of global warming.

a) I did like this article. I really liked how the author had explained his experinces in the labratory, and his encounters with white "bunny suits" that he needed to put on before entering the experimental zone. It gave me a good feel of how scientists think and work.
b)one thing that interested me or surprised me about this article was that people are always filthy. No matter how hard you scrub in the shower, new dead skin cells are always falling off your body, resulting in a dirty person.
c) I think this is a very interesting article, and i would definetly want to read more in the future. However, at the moment, I do not have any questions about what I have read.

4) This is for ChickenNikeSoup:
I really liked your post. I have had trouble getting my head around the concept that I am really made up of many little things, and you really helped clear that up for me. I also think you did an excellent job explaining the difference between organic and in-organic molecules.

This is for spots101:
I thought you did a great job with your post! I really enjoyed the facts about Tylenol, its always cool to learn somthing cool about somthing you wouldn't generaly think of as "cool." I also really liked your question. I think one answer migh be the fact that heat and acid in the stomach help to break down pills.

This is for dashygurl101:
I think your post was very good. I especially liked the reference of "mail-men," and I may use that as a trick to help me remeber RNA. I do think that you could have read a longer article, though I think the amount of information you got out of seven sentences was great!

spots101 said...

this is for timeblazer42: I thought that you wrote a little to short. I thought that you could have tried a little harder. I thought that what you did write was good though. Try a little harder!!

This is for Labrat 51: I thought that what you picked was really intrested. I loved how it was told in a story. I think i would really like that two. I htought that that was really creative to learn about the life of the molecule with a story. Very Creative!!

This is to RolexJoe: I was really intrested in what you wrote. I loved how muchyou wrote i loved to see that you put in all of your effort. I also thought it was really intresting to learn about the type 1 and type 2 of Diabetes. Very well done !!!

Summer09 said...

this is to Labrat 51:
I liked how your article was different then what I've seen before and also the fact that you noticed that.

this is to ilovepickles4ever:
I like how you have a lot of information and how you seemed like you knew what you were talking about.

this is to dashygurl101: I liked how you put your own voice into it and I also liked the fact that even though it was short it held all the information you needed to know.

calvone said...
Organic molecules are the chemicals of life, they are compounds composed of more than one element that are produced and found in a living organisms
the features differs from the organic to the inorganic molecule is that the organic molecule contain carbon hydrated bonds, were inorganic molecule dont

melissa said...

Title: Molecules
Author: unknown
The article i read was about how molecules are made by joining carbon atoms into water molecules. The simplest carbohydrate is methanal which is like a water molecule with a carbon atom in the middle.
i liked the article because it was interesting to read about. It was a cool topic.
one of the questions i had was if all foods were good sources of carbonhydrate.
i really enjoyed reading this article.

shmunkle said...

1)Name:Engineering food at level of molecules. Author:Barnaby J. Feder From:The New York Times
2)My artical was about the idea that the factory that makes skittles and M&Ms that if they change molecule structure of the candy coating the chocolate won't melt and the candy will stay fresh.
3)I liked this articol becaus I know they can't do this but just how it's a idea for the future. I was just interested by the idea of it. How did they come up with this idea?
4)ChickenNikesoup: I liked your reflection it was pretty good.
Timeblazer42: I thought your articol was pretty organised.
ilovecheesecake: I thought your articol was intresting and well writen.

melissa said...

this is for summer09... the topic you picked sounded really interesting. Great job! i hope to read about when i have time.

this is for dashy girl 101... i thought you did very well. Alhough it was a little unclear. But you did great!

This is for kyla... i thought that was a cool topic. It is interesting how water freezes. Good work!

Bob said...

Article: What is a Lipid Molecule?

The article tells you basically what a lipid is. It also tells you the major four kinds of lipids; fats, phospholipids, waxes and steroids.

a) I liked the article in the way that it was very informational. It wasn't that complicated, and easy to follow. But I also didn't like it because it was a bit like reading a textbook, or something of the sort.

b) Something that I thought was interesting was that our cell membranes are made mostly of phospholipids. I also thought that it was interesting that unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, but other things need to be at very different temperatures to be liquid.

c) I want to know about the other kinds of lipids, it mentions four of them in this article, but it says that these are the four major categories.

Bob said...

My Comments

for spots101
I think that you did a good job. You could read over 3a because if you tried to read it out loud, it is a bit hard, you have to read it twice to understand it. Besides that, I like what you did.

for timeblazer42
I think that this is a little short. There is not much here to read, and I think that you could organize it a bit better, I don't know which part is which. Other than that it is good.

for misso892
You did a good job. There is a lot there, and it is very good.

miss0892 said...

for Bob...
I liked the facts you had in your report. It was really interesting. Good job.

for shmunkle...
Your article sounds really cool. It would be awsome if they could acctually make candy like that.

for ilovepickles4ever...
You have a lot of information in your report. It was really good.

DashyGurl101 said...

This is for C.96.M.27.K.12

When heat kills the organic molecules, is that what sunburn is?

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